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Robby Holmes

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Posts posted by Robby Holmes

  1. took video down Ill buy some ear protection for her dont need anyone trying to report me and shit. :D

    just for the record, i didn't report you.

    i was playing (and heavily failing) at play qwop.

    i was just giving some heads up about hearing damage, because I'm very conscious of it now (due to being in the recording and engineering industry)

    It's fine. Low notes don't do much damage compared to high ones.

    and good videos, moving an ass load of air! ;)

    this is very true.

    but young people are far more susceptible to hearing damage

  2. if you got pulled over because you were "exceeding local decibel limit" just go to court and contest it.

    i did it.

    always gotten away with it to.

    hahah yea i guess it would be funny to present this case.

    lol i have xP

    multiple times..

    the most recent time, it was 5 blocks away from my installers house.

    pulled away, and since he's on the border of cities, one has a zero tolerance statute for deebeez

    the other has no noise ordinance.

    i took a wrong turn, thought i was in the correct city, saw a cop posted up, thought i would be a smart ass, and starting burping my RE Audio XXX right past him slow as fack.

    got pulled over, found out my license was expired, and we put insurance on the wrong riviera of ours.

    so i got charged with:

    noise ordinance

    expired license

    no proof of insurance

    we contested it, license thing got dropped, noise ordinance got dropped, and I'm on a 1 year probation for insurance.

    or we could have paid ~900$ to fix it all -.-

  3. Actually not to sure that you have to buy a kit, because you have hinges and lock case already original. Only problem is to switch them.

    No matter what you "Deicide" I'm tuned in for this thread!

    can you try to expand on that?

    sorry, always wanted them, but haven't put in a lot of research as to what i would need.

    thats why i was just looking for an install ready sort of kit lol

    Suicide doors on a 2 door? Not sure if I like that idea. To each their own I guess.

    can i ask why?

  4. Alright, that got your attention :lol: But seriously, it's taken me a while to really realize it, but I NEED to go on a diet. I've cut myself back to one meal a day (big or small) but that's not really what I need. I'm planning on drinking alot of water (and water only), cutting my portions to small meals, and definitely going to be working out daily (Probably walk a mile around the dog park every day so I can take my dogs out as well). But as far as the food, what do you guys recommend that is simple, tastes good, and helps cut back calories? I'm open to suggestions.

    steer clear of high carbohydrate foods like noodles, buns, fast food products etc.

    chicken, and other high protein meals are totally tasty and really good for you too (i know its the polar opposite of what i just said, but high meat and sauce content spaghetti is actually really healthy for you, and will give you a ton of energy for working out. also, carbs are good for days before you work out, bad for days you DO work out)

    don't forget to get a pretty good amount of fruit in you also.

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