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Posts posted by Herokight

  1. by this weekend, i am going to have "Multi-Packs" available and they will consist of (3) 16' footers and (3) 3' Footers for each series (SE and DI). I will also have (3) 12' Footer (3) 3' Footer multi-packs for a little less.

    Basically, you save MAJOR cash by buying them in a complete set like that. I will reveal pricing when i get the site up, hopefully tomorrow.

    I am going to also release Y adapters too so you can have matching sets when the system calls for them. Within a week i will have those ready.

    YES! I ACTUALLY NEED 6 FOR WHAT I WANT TO DO! Just when things got good, they got better. You, sir, are the bomb.

  2. I hate the trolls man. They've always got some shit to say. It doesn't matter what you're into, they're everywhere. I skate, play paintball, build audio, work on cars, you name it. They're everywhere. And they always make the rest of us look bad. Nothing ever measures up to them. If you hit a 150, they wanna see a 160, you hit a 160, they wanna see a 170. Never fails. I'm so thankful for the guys like you that always take positive actions in your craft and are positive influences. Hell, first chance I get I'd sure as hell love to take a road trip to meet you because you damn sure changed my imagination and gave me a new perspective when it comes to building cars.

  3. It's so surreal. When his sister called me and I heard the words "There was an accident" I thought "Oh shit... what did his dumbass do now? maybe I'll get off work soon so I can go see him at the hospital" then she said "Trent didn't make it..." my fucking heart just dropped. It'll definitely be different. I just wish I could get out of this streak of funerals. I've gone to atleast one a year for the past... fuck... 3 or 4 years?

  4. One of our fellow bass heads, frequent stalker of the forum, and good friend of mine Trent Cox passed away yesterday. He was a good friend and brother to me. I'll have many a memory in my mind about him and all the stupid shit we've done together over the years. I'm not sure if he ever became a member, but he stalked here for info all the time. We've both been in plenty of accidents that should've killed us, but yesterday he wasn't messing around, texting, talking on the phone, or even speeding. He made a common mistake among young drivers. He was headed home from work (unusual, because the tattoo shop he works at is usually closed Sundays yet he had an appointment) going down Dallas Hwy. He went off the road on an area that had no shoulder (was a straight drop), over-corrected, went into the other lane, and hit an SUV head on. Both the passengers of the SUV are still in critical condition, with the male passenger getting slowly better and the female passenger in a coma, while he was killed on impact.

    He was only 19. He accomplished everything he set out to do, and became everything he wanted to be before ever reaching 20. He was well down the road to being an accomplished tattoo artist, even another Hart and Huntington as his mentor put it. He's outlived by 2 sisters, a brother, his mother and father, aunts, uncles, cousins, and countless friends. His viewing will be strolling viewing due to the amount of people expected to show up.

    He will definitely be missed, and every Halo night and party will definitely be a lot quieter without him there.

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