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Posts posted by Herokight

  1. Got hired on at Domino's. Don't know when I start yet, but the original plan was to keep my job at BK. I changed my mind after the talk I had with my manager this morning. I've asked time after time to be full time, but I keep getting fucked over. This week is the most hours I've gotten in awhile, and it's only 27. Usually I get 16.5.

    However, he did ask me why we get second jobs when we can work 40 hours a week and make plenty of money where we're at. I wanted to say "40 HOURS A WEEK?! I'VE ASKED FOR THAT TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND NEVER SEEN IT!" but I stayed calm. I don't enjoy my words being twisted though. And I have since decided that as soon as I get the date I start at Domino's, I'm putting in my two weeks. I want to end on good terms so I'll be eligible for rehire if it ever came to it. I have had an ass full of their bullshit though. I recall being pretty much literally harassed during the semester when I could only work weekends every time I went into BK.

    "Lane, when can you work more hours?"

    "May 7th. I'll be completely done with school and want to work full time until I go back."

    "Are you sure you can only work weekends...?"

    I've had this conversation I don't even remember how many times. But now they never schedule me.


  2. I do have an odd question.

    Am I the only person that acts like a pirate after about half a bottle of rum? Because I was happy, loud, and boisterous last time I drank. We've established my alter ego's name as JR. Jolly Roger.

    There was more than one time that I told someone to stop giving their captain orders, or to mount the crow's nest, or to swab the deck, or tho hoist the jolly roger. I halfway remember it. And I feel kinda like an ass for it...

  3. No pics because I'm drunk. but i'm drinkin jager straight from the bottle... and watching game of thrones

    I would like to buy a bottle of goose soon, I'm not a fan of beer :/

    I'll take beer over goose any day. I lost my taste for it after going threw a bottle drinking it straight. :bad:

    it's sooooo smooth but you've gotta take it easy. I can't drink captain morgan for that same reason.... used to be my drink of choice for a whole year before I got stupid and drank too much... SMH college does that shit to you

    Learned about college the hard way... I went on tour with our jazz band and the last two nights were party nights because we didn't have gigs the next day. They loaded me down. I don't remember from 11:30 to 1:30 the first night.

    Drank 8+ shots of 151 one night...... usual drinking for me is 6 shots 151 and I'm done.... that's why I love 151... mix it with rockstar like a jagerbomb (with more rockstar) and chug it... amazing and gets you drunk FAST

    I had two shots of 151 Black Seal, two cups of Crown and Coke, and I forget what else. I hadn't drank that much in awhile. I just sat in one place and rocked back and forth with a smile on my face. Anyone asked a question, they got a very slow nod or shake of my head.

    My fiane says I'm not allowed to have rum anymore though. It doesn't calm me down. Haha.

  4. No pics because I'm drunk. but i'm drinkin jager straight from the bottle... and watching game of thrones

    I would like to buy a bottle of goose soon, I'm not a fan of beer :/

    I can't get into beer either. Only one, and I can't remember the name of it. It's German, but it's not Warsteiner...

    There is only one that I have drank a whole case of and it was Lionshead. It's based in Pennsylvania and it's not bad. It's a pilsner I think. We have yeunling too but I'm not such a fan of that :/

    I FOUND THE NAME OF IT! Weihenstephaner

  5. No pics because I'm drunk. but i'm drinkin jager straight from the bottle... and watching game of thrones

    I would like to buy a bottle of goose soon, I'm not a fan of beer :/

    I'll take beer over goose any day. I lost my taste for it after going threw a bottle drinking it straight. :bad:

    it's sooooo smooth but you've gotta take it easy. I can't drink captain morgan for that same reason.... used to be my drink of choice for a whole year before I got stupid and drank too much... SMH college does that shit to you

    Learned about college the hard way... I went on tour with our jazz band and the last two nights were party nights because we didn't have gigs the next day. They loaded me down. I don't remember from 11:30 to 1:30 the first night.

  6. No pics because I'm drunk. but i'm drinkin jager straight from the bottle... and watching game of thrones

    I would like to buy a bottle of goose soon, I'm not a fan of beer :/

    I can't get into beer either. Only one, and I can't remember the name of it. It's German, but it's not Warsteiner...

  7. Russian Standard is the shit but I don't waste my money on the platinum, and I take it straight outta the bottle like with every liquor. No chasers, not even with 151. Unless I drink everclear, but only because it gives me blisters in my mouth if I don't mix it.

    Something about vodka i cant drink it str8 anything else im all good but vodka i cant finish it when its straight up.

    This is gonna make me sound weak, but I can't drink vodka. It has the same affect as Nyquil on me.

    Currently, coke. But last time I drank I had 2/3 of a bottle of Bacardi Oakheart by myself. I'm not allowed to have rum anymore though...

  8. Try to get a job in security, I work for Securitas. Stable job and if you are lucky like me you will get a super chill location. $12/hr, 40-48hrs a week and full benefits

    Hmmm... Would this help my dad more than me... I'll swing that by him. May actually have a plan now. There's a double wide on a half acre for $5k. If my dad gets his taxes back on time we should be able to move into it. However, this will require him to get a job and us to work together. And for him to straighten himself out. He has a couple problems of his own...

  9. Don't miss paying back your pawn loans! Get that stuff back. I'd recommend going to an employment agency. If your buddy can't get you in at O'Charley's. You know you can do better than BK. No one is getting anywhere working at fast food places. It's a decent gig, unless you need money. Other than that it's a lot of work for not much gain.

    BTW, I've been playing guitar for about 13 years and bass for about 9 years. It's just a hobby for me, but I absolutely love it. I wouldn't want to go without it.

    Actually since Burger King started buying back their franchises and turning them into corporate locations it is a good place to work. The restaurant industry is a lot more stable than retail and in some aspects education as well. Granted the pay is not very much, but Fast food has a very high turn over rate. So bumping up into management is fairly easy and pays close to what most employment agencies pay.

    Not for BK. My store has someone that's crosstrained and been working there for 5+ years. He's more than qualified to begin management training, but they don't take anyone from within the stores. They outsource for people that have already been managers and train them our ways of doing things. I've only been there six months, but I started crosstraining after two weeks and can do almost everything in the store. All they use me for right now is filling empty spots at odd hours, even though 3 people just quit. So I'm just gonna find another place to work. I've asked to be full time or close to it loads of times, yet I get 16.5 hours a week.

    I know not every store is like mine, but they treat us like shit and use us. A lot of people that have been there forever just quit because they finally got tired of it. Wish I could get on a plumbing gig like one guy did. He makes about a $1000 a week.

  10. Sad thing is all of my equipment except for two guitars, my keyboard, and my drum set is pawned. So I currently have 3 guitars, 3 guitar amps (including my Marshall stack, which was my graduation present), my bass, and my bass amp in pawn. I easily have close to $5k or more invested in musical equipment.

    Edit- So I only have one working electric guitar, and one electric I'm in the middle of refinishing left, with no amp to play on.

  11. Well after reading up. I changed my mind. Stay in school 100%!!! Do what makes you happy and surround yourself with the people that make you happy. Be a good person and people will be good to you. It's karma.

    Remember, "Adversity is the parent of virtue." Focus all of your efforts on getting what YOU need -- from your education, your love, your life. Live in your car if that's what it takes, but for god's sake, DON'T STOP PLAYING MUSIC! And don't give up on YOURSELF. Focus on YOUR goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them.

    It isn't what happens to you in life that matters. It's how you react that counts.

    Man, after finally getting a clear head a couple days ago that helps. Music is my life, man. Whether it's playing it, learning about it, or building big bad ass bass cars. I just gotta get some money put back. My college grades suffered pretty bad from everything going on, too. So I lost my PELL grant... I heard I can try to appeal my 67% probation and get it back though, so I'm not even sure I'll be able to afford school in the fall. Sucks.

  12. lol dafuq? fiance? doesnt wanna live together?

    Thought that myself. She's been pissy lately. Saying I'm "too clingy" and such.

    "See? This what I'm talking about. I came down to my room to be alone for a second, and you followed me." Ummmm... I went down after she had been down for a few minutes because everyone upstairs was loud and annoying.... wtf?

    Anyway... That's the only real place I have to go out here. I could move to Marietta with my aunt, but I go to school in Carrollton (for anyone who knows where stuff is in GA).

    If your engaged how can you be "too clingy"...? Part of being engaged is gonna require being around eachother. Good luck though, i hope everything works out for you

    THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! I mean, WE'RE GONNA HAVE KIDS AND SHIT. She thinks I wanna be in her bubble and personal space all the time.

    After checking her horoscope, though, this is apparently "not a time of romance" for her. Pfft. :shrug:

  13. At this rate, I'm a bit worried that the system I put in my car wasn't such a bad idea, because it might be my only way to pass time in a month... =/

    Hooray for sleeping in a car...

    Been there done that. Walmart is an excellent location, get a gym membership to pass time and shower. It's funny because I originally went to school for music education, with a minor in performance (trumpet) and voice

    Not scared to. Well, atleast a little.... Ok... That idea scares me shitless. I got a dog though... And he gets car sick...

    Haha. Funny you should mention that. That was my plan. Because it's the most central location in Villa Rica, so anywhere I work wouldn't be very far away.

  14. I'm not the first person at UWG that has been homeless and gone to school, and I won't be the last. One of my good buddies in jazz band was homeless for a whole year. He spent some nights in practice rooms and such. Might have to do it. My fiance's mom is going to let me store a lot of things at her house in her shed. Thank god. I can get my mom's stuff put away and kept safe at least.

    It's been a long five years. mainly the last two. My mom had been ill since I was in 7th grade. She had her first heart attack that year, and then a year later had open heart surgery. I spent most of my high school career taking care of her, which is the main reason my grade were horrible and I graduated with an "eh" gpa. My parents were splitting up mid 2010, and dad lost his job in August of 2010, the day before my mom was moving out. She passed away in January 2011, after my dad had been reconsidering the whole ordeal and thought about asking her to come home. Spent most of those months going between three different places. My mom's apartment, my dad's house, and my fiance's (who was then only my girlfriend). Me and my mom didn't along so well, seeing as how I felt my teenage years were robbed and such. Plus she had changed into a totally different person. She was always angry about something and always lashed out for control. We did get along a lot better before she passed away though, but I'll never leave anything else unsaid. Life ends so quick... It's only too sad the doctor was right... We were told after her surgery that she was morbidly obese, if she didn't get healthy and lose 100lbs she wouldn't see me graduate...

    My dad's been pretty bad, has still been out of work, and still hasn't gotten over it.

    That's pretty much where I'm stuck in the middle of things... He got way behind on house payments, and the auction is July 3rd. He might be able to keep it after he gets his tax return, but at best that would only delay things and give both of us more time to act and come up with a plan. He's used me a lot, so I'm moving by myself. He has his own issues to resolve, and I have my own life to live. So... That's where I'm at. I have a lot of people willing to help. If I have to, I have family in Hiram as well that might let me stay with them for a bit, but they already have a packed house.

    Looks like camping or couch surfing it is. I'm sprry for the pitty party, guys. Just kinda giving you things from my perspective.

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