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Mikey Bates

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Posts posted by Mikey Bates

  1. So i'm about to order the DD1, but i have a few questions. i basically already know how to do everything from so many videos lol but heres my thought. I know your supposed to set the gains on the HU to flat. in my case, until i get my new components speakers, and 4 channel. i like to boost the treble so my shitty speakers somewhat comete with the bass. wouldnt if be smarter to turn up the treble during setting things with the DD1. if you were to turn down the eq you cant relly clip going down lol but going up wouldnt you? and yes i know i dont have a dd1 yet but ive read so much and watched so many videos i figured it was a logical question

  2. I'm making a new box. and i really want it to look clean and sick. As we all do haha. Anyways, i want to put about a 7" tall x 12" wide window in so you can see that sub. i want to put some blue leds on the inside but outta site so you can see it all nice looking. my main questions is what to use, and what thickness. i'm going to countersink whatever the depth of the plexe or whatever is so it sits flush. and ofset it so there is about a 1" border of mdf. ill post some pics to show what i mean. and as far as sealing it, i want to find a nice thin ruber gasket, and use some nice stainless or something allen screws. so if i ever want to, i can take the window out. do not wanna gue in.

    secondly i want to do something cool with the termimanls. its a d4 sub so i though about running each set of +'s and -'s to each side of the window and using nice high quilty bolts that are nicely trimmed down. but my issue is where do i go from there, just wrap te wires around the box? that wouldnt look good to me :/ so taking auggestion on that. anyways heres some pics.

    the box is 40 wide by 12 tall. the window will be where the text is, basically dead cetner where the sub is.


    and as for the offset thing i mention. picture the baffle for the sub, only the two .75 mdf being one piece, the part the plexi rests on i want to be a 1" border, and then itll sit flush.


  3. always predrill. mdf splits very easily. when predrilling, choose a drill bit that is the size of the shank of the screw. i always assemble the box on top of the bottom plate and build up. its easiest to put the back of the box on last. that way you can silicone the edges on the baffle, then assemble the back wall and you can easily reach the back plate's edges from the sub cutouts.

    wouldnt you want to put the top on last, that was you have access to everything? not the back on last
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