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Mikey Bates

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Posts posted by Mikey Bates

  1. i heard that glueing and using silicon is really the best way to build a box. and obv to let it cure and such. and i also heard that using screws and nails just aren't the way to go, how about predrilling a few major points, like the corners and centers, and using dowels? stupid idea, not bad idea? i have a new box design and i want to build it very accuratly and make it look very good and i'm not sure how to "build" the box. like which piece to start from, how to hold it together, and which parts to build first, and even if i should build sections, et them dry, and then add. any help would be great. thanks!

  2. lol make sure when you screw your amp down its strait and not crooked haha and nice build so far. though you def dont need the bracing in that box, and that lower right big angle is a little unnecessary, you could prob just do one in each corner like you did in the back left. anyways i like the build. to me its not a budget build. its an average person with a real like and real money build lol. good choice in stuff.

  3. just for sake of arguement. rec encloser is 3 cubes max each. is it ok to go bigger like that? especially if i overdrive them...each is 600rms. and putting 1000rms (when i get both and a new amp) and second, what does tuning lower help me with? again just for arguement.

  4. that is what i have. 40 wide. 16 high ( i can technically go more, but then itll start to be above the windoe line. and 24 deep. with those being siad. that leaves me a 6 inch gap between the back of the box and the trunk hatch. the box i have now, the sub fires up and port back so thats why te gap but yeah.

  5. 40" wide. 16" high. and 20" deep, that leaves me 6" in the back if the port is facing the back (as it is now) i have a concept audio HPN-1500. it puts out about 900rms but its probably somewhere around 500-600 because thats where it gets clean power. and i was planning one getting 2 sets of 6.5's components just not sure which ones and how much tos pend on what??

  6. its not the boxes fault. the vvx's are ment to be low end subs. being my econd but first real sub, i didnt realize. i like the sub. but wanting to upgrade i want something better. like i said, its ment to be played low. and ill have to check out those crossfires

  7. Anyone have suggestions fora single 18 D2 somewhere about 2500rms and up? was looking at the AA mayhem so about 500 new is my price range. not gonna have oney for a few weeks so if you got anything sorrry unless you wanna wait. I have a vvx 15 now but all it plays is lows and i want something a little more versitile.

  8. Some one called me earlier offering me an Audiopipe 1500 would that be anywhere near the size I am looking for

    so just google the AP 1500 and see how big it is. . . btw i heard AP arent that great. and they are about 17" wide ( just saying)
  9. get rid of cap as everyone will tell you and i know the kenwood amp aint crazy power but there known to be power hungry and given its a small civic (small alt) the second bass note wont be able to suck as much power as the first because the cap is gonna wanna recharge. . . given the bass notes are back to back? or are they later in the song.....try without cap for shits and gigs and not sure about the HU thing.......and i know in my car if i listen to a song the same bass notes later in the song arent as loud but i think its just because im used to the volume so it doesnt seem as loud you know... anyways hope this helps try w/o the cap

  10. haha thanks, and im broke atm :/ thanks for the DC heads up but im 100% planning on running 2 sets of skar IVX 6.5 comps and an Sk 85.4 for now, unless they get a bigger one by the time i have money cuz those speakers are 130 rms a speaker (or set not sure) and then a sk 1500 on 2 VVX 15's. new box design is going to have a window and lights and im going to make a much prettier more stable amp rack where the amps, crossovers for the speakers, and hopefully 1 xs battery. but until then.... haha the concept 1500 comes in tomorrow and im outta work at 4 so come check here bout 5 and ill have some pics and videos....btw ( i had crazy rattles and such with my old shitty mtx 250 rms amp....so running 900 with be fun (: ) stay tuned guys more coming asap

  11. steve has some videos that show this. the DD1 does both HU and amp. in one video(which i cant seem to find) he sets the gains and the deck goes all the way without clipping, he boosted the bass and it cliped at like 37/40. set your EQ the way you like it. then use the DD1 and test your HU to see what it goes up to without clipping. once thats done go set your amp gains with the DD1 now. doing this without EQ works but when you start boosting things some decks will clip.... this should answer the OP questions

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