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Posts posted by qu1cks1lver56

  1. I'm building a small, low powered system for a friend, and he wants to keep it simple and he likes sealed boxes so that's what it's gonna be. I'm looking for a good 10" sub that does well in roughly 1 cube per woofer sealed off of 200-250RMS per sub. I like the AA Assassin but I don't know if he's going to want to pay for a pair of them. So what would you guys recommend?

  2. So I'm looking at picking a a small maintainer/charger to stash under the hood of my truck so I can just plug the truck up when it's going to sit a few days and help keep the battery in good shape. I'm looking at a bunch of these on the auto parts stores' websites, but none of them say what voltage they're regulated to and I don't want one that's going to overcharge my battery if it sits for a weekend.

    Anybody know a decent one that won't break the bank?

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