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Posts posted by qu1cks1lver56

  1. Sad to see them both go, Dom, when he was on top of stuff, always responded to my emails and PM's fairly quickly and answered my questions. Same with Rob, he had great CS when he was on top of it. They both got to where they wouldn't respond to PM's or emails and wouldn't answer/return phone calls.

    But I'm in the market for an alternator, maybe Mechman can point me in the right direction.

  2. I scoped it with a load.

    And see, I hear stories like that all the time, the only thing I can think of, that might've helped them get as hot as they got, is that the motors were in the sealed chambers of my 4th order. And well DD doesn't recommend running their woofers in a sealed enclosure. And if the amps did start clipping when the voltage dropped, and the coils started getting hot, and then having no port to move some air through to pull fresh air in, all they did was move around in hot air. Plus I couldn't smell them when the motors were sealed up so no telling how long I played them while they were hot before the first one let go.

    I'm debating on getting recones, and running them inveted in the box, and seeing how they hold up then, and I'll make sure to be super easy on them for a week or 2, I wasn't hammering on them (not even close) and being very conscious of DD's recommended break in time. But I couldn't help myself, I let it eat a few times.

    Right now I'm looking on some input on what others think I should do, the inverted thing seems like it would work if I keep the volume down until I get an alt to keep up with the current draw.

  3. Well I successfully fried the coils in my 2515's in 2 days :( There was no clipping on the outputs of the amps, except slightly on a 0db sine wave, which music comes no where close to in level. There was NO clipping with a -5db sine wave.

    My question is, since I had some hardcore voltage drop if I let it play for more than 30seconds-a minute, will voltage drop (14.4ish to 12.0, or possible less I tried not to let it get that low) cause the THD on an amp to rise significantly and clip the output? More specifically, on a RF T1k (elite)

  4. Thanks King!

    Yeah the Imprint seems more of the auto tune piece than a real audio guy's piece.

    My plans are to get the 700 or 701, and use it with my 9887, then eventually get a video deck to control it with and run audio signal through the ai net (you can do that can't you?)

    I've been looking hard today for a 700/701 with controller, found a few deals that someone else got to before me that about made me puke.

    Only ones on egay ATM are in china and well, I'm not exactly comfortable buying a $400 piece from a foreign seller on ebay.

  5. I can't find a lot of solid info on H701's, I read you can control it with certain video head units, but never can find an accurate list of which ones work.

    Are the video head units the only ones that can control it or will non video units with ai net work too? ie. 9887?

    The h701 is L/R & sub in, and 8 pre outs, correct?

  6. Working out when I'm pissed always seems to be the best workout.

    Then there's always the heavy bag, throw down on it for 10-20 minutes and that helps too.

    Then there's always sleep, and taking a long drive by myself out on some back country roads with some good tunes. That always helps calm me down when I'm pissed off.

    Driving range or batting cage can help take out some anger too, nothing like beating the piss out of a golf ball or baseball.

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