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Posts posted by agent_orange

  1. Then get 2 :lol:

    What amp are you planning on using? Will it go lower then 2 ohm? I know most compianies say no, but I've had good luck pushing it a bit. :)

    The amp im using is a Crystal Mobilesound CAD 600.2T

    the specs are:

    150x2 @ 4ohm

    300x2 @ 2ohm

    600x2 @ 1ohm

    1200x1 @ 2ohm bridged

    I thought about running the amp at 1ohm bridged but I haven't heard any one else doin this so I don't know if it will handle a 1ohm bridged load. I did really want to try out the new DC subs they look nice and the group buy has awsome prices but I don't really want to damage my amp. I would like to run two subs as well but with my trunk space I have it really isn't possible, my car is just a little two seater roadster with a pretty small trunk.

  2. Look into DC Audio.

    I was going to get in on the group buy for a level 4 12", but they only come in dual 2ohm which is no good for me.

    Thanks for the replies. The Q and the SX were the ones I was really intersted in but I belive i'm going to go ahead and order me a SX this evening. Thanks for all the help

  3. I'm looking for a new sub to replace my 12" CVR, it's time for something louder. I've been researching subs for the past couple of months and still cannot make up my mind. I'm looking for a sub that will get loud and still sound pretty good, it will be going into a small trunk car. The only requirments that I need is for it to be a 12", can take around 1200rms daily, can be wired into a 2ohm final impedance, and no more than $300.

    some of the subs I've been looking at are:

    FI - BL,Q

    RE - SX

    Soundstream - SPLX,T4/5

    American Bass - VFL

    Atomic - APX

    What would you choose? or is there any other suggestions. I don't have a problem buying of EBAY or even used if I could find a deal on something. Please help.

  4. your battery negative is unhooked before you hook up power to it right?

    The problem is I bought it a couple of years ago and one of the channels didn't work. So i took the cover off to try and repair it and took off the metal bar that holds down the (i'm not sure what there called but the things that dissapate heat onto the heatsink). When I went to power the amp back up i didn't get the rubber mat that goes under the metal bar in good and the thing instantly started smoking. The mat got fried and I temp. fixed it and tried powering it up again and it just pops the fuse evertime.

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