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Posts posted by WastedTalent

  1. I see both sides of it. Like I liked my Kenwood setup I had. But then figured I'd upgrade and try it. Damn do I love this setup and don't regret upgrading one bit (cept the cash part, but think we're all like that). Although I'm happy with what I have, do I try bigger and better? If I had the cash, probably. May love that even more.

    Then on the other side, I'm happy with how it is. Just upgrade my 6.5's along with my head unit and I'll be 100% happy with it. So why spend the extra cash on more subs, more amps, etc? I may not like it.

  2. And then comes the question of if you have it like that, where does the power come from for everything? Would you run headlights, interior lights, tail lights and such off of one battery and system off another? I mean if you everything hooked to your front one, why would you need a run to the back battery from the alt? Most of the power would ultimately come from the front battery so you'd want most of the alt's effort on the front one. Unless I'm a giant noob and fail at mechanics, which can be possible.

  3. Battery can be a smaller one if you want. I would get a xp3000 for the back and be done with it. As to hooking them up, It's as easy as connecting the positive to positive and negative to negative ( or a nice chassis ground in the back). Just make sure you fuse within 18" of front batt and 18" before the rear battery and you're good to go.

    Question about that. To get all technical, if you connect the smaller one to the bigger one, what happens with the current? Like if you crank it to start the car, does the power come from the bigger one, or both? And the alternator charges which? I get what you mean about how to wire them, just wondering about the technical aspect of it.

  4. 145 on 500? I'm sure it's possible, but damn. I always thought it took more to hit high numbers. I realize there's higher but 145 seems high for 500 watts. Must be tiny cars. Smart car ftw? Lol. I'd love to see that. A smart car with a system. Don't think one would even fit... ported/sealed/glued on it's butt.

  5. 1k for the entire system? Including wood for the box, sound deadening, etc minus the head unit? I'll be honest, 1k is a very tight budget for everything. Might be best to just do pieces at a time.

    If you don't go with pieces, you'll be going with basic entry level stuff as to which you'll just have to upgrade everything as I had to. I spent $1500 for my first system, which also included a head unit which was about half of that. And that was no sound deadening. "I want more bass" so get new subs but the amp couldn't power them so needed a new amp.

    And if you're not gonna do the stuff yourself, but have a box built for you or whatnot, that just costs more obviously. So considering you did say upgrades in the future, I highly recommend going in pieces.

    Think everyone will agree 1k is a tight budget to get pretty good stuff. It'd be mainly entry level as to which you'd have to replace pretty much everything when you upgrade.

  6. i always back up my computer once every 10 days onto an external hard drive.

    in terms of music, i keep a backup on my phone, one on an SD card, one on a 2nd hard drive, and one on a flash drive.

    both the SD and flashdrive stay in my car.

    but i am thinking about getting a 3rd 500gig HD to keep connected to my HU in the vehicle also.

    talk about careful am i right?

    Hell yeah. Lol. Two external hd's along with a flash and the phone? Damn. Lots of copies...

    instead of using itunes I prefer to online storage. That’s a more convenient way to backup your datas. In case your macbook crash you can still recover these data from your e-storage. And you can download a ipod to computer transfer for backup.

    for Windows:how to transfer music from ipod from to pc

    for Mac:how to transfer music from ipod from to mac

    Definitely true but not all of us can afford online storage. I know it's not that expensive (like $12 a month or something) but still. Most of us spend all we got on car audio.

  7. x2 for what they said. without knowing why you've been through them and what exactly the rest of your system consists of, no one can recommend anything. Got a crap amp? High level subs ain't for you, not til you get a better amp. Got the world's greatest amp? Definitely wouldn't be rocking some entry level subs. And also battery type would help, alternator input, wiring upgrades... ect. Kind've need to know all that for anyone to recommend anything. Otherwise just might as well be drunk and tryin to pin the tail on that donkey.

  8. Haha, be funny as hell if he became the next Bill Gates or something. But I see it more like a Soulja Boy. I won't lie, I'm a little jealous that he got the money and all before he even finished high school. But the songs he makes? Like ever since the first 2? Oh my lord. How in the hell is the rap genre continuing with pure crap like that? Eazy E, Dre, Snoop, Ice Cube, Too Short, all them built the genre and it's retards like that who are gonna kill it. People always ask what music I listen to. "Music that we've all heard a billion damn times". I still pound that Eazy E, old school cube, stuff like that. The stuff from early to mid 90's. Ain't a whole lot of new stuff coming out I like and can find from a trusted source. Yeah it hits hard or whatnot but I just don't feel it.

    And noobtastic, Idk man. Theres I think one (The girl who's usually like right next to him and in the middle) that I'd do if I was drunk but other than her and that other girl? Those the nasty girls that be on welfare and shit. My standards are just don't look like a crackhead. I'd rather pound a beached whale with a pretty face than those girls... drunk or not but preferably drunk.

  9. I just don't get why girls would be in it, unless they ugly like they are. Don't see those hotties from pitbull's videos in stuff like that haha. Think outta all those girls, only one is do-able. Girl at like 19 secs. Not bad but definitely not supermodel status. But eh, I'm with you bwolf, it's stupid and all but why people so mad and crap about it? I realize yeah it's a 6 year old talkin about havin sex which is too damn young but if that's how the parents raise him? Ain't hurtin any of us. He's just gonna be another SWAGGGGG kid lmfao. So he'll go from booty pop to "Would you like fries with that?"

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