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Posts posted by WastedTalent

  1. All the radiation still getting out...

    There's people who don't know about Chernobyl?

    I figured it had all gotten out by now. Didn't realize there was any left in the reactors. this long after

    That place won't be habitabale for generations. Look up the "elephants foot chernobyl" and that's basically who we can thank for all that.

    that radioactive formation they have to use like 8 mirrors to take a picture of it

    because it will kill anyone who looks directly at it instantly



    uh-oh. Challenge accepted.....................

    Chances are pretty good they got some acute radiation poisoning. Depending on how long they were in there, the foot obviously has decomposed and cracked by that time, apparantly 10 years later it only gives of 1/10th the original radiation, (still enough to be fatal after an hour) 7 minutes for mild poisoning is still more than I'd ever want to see.

    read that it's still hot enough that it's still melting and burning through that it may reach ground water... almost 30 yrs? still that hot? good lord. but that's only if article is accurate.

  2. All the radiation still getting out...

    There's people who don't know about Chernobyl?

    I figured it had all gotten out by now. Didn't realize there was any left in the reactors. this long after

    That place won't be habitabale for generations. Look up the "elephants foot chernobyl" and that's basically who we can thank for all that.

    Most people know about the radiation and all and that it's deserted. I mean, sure, just a movie, but that Transformers movie... where the fuel core is in chernobyl. How abandoned and everything it is. That's typically what people know. As far as still being THAT radioactive, being leaked out, etc etc? Not many know. I know I didn't. I kinda figured the world abandoned the place when it happened and they do tests every now and then to see how radioactive. I had no idea they were building things there, whether containment things or whatnot.

  3. i emailed 5 days ago :P no i havent called because my work scuedule has been all over the place

    Matt usually is good with replying. I had to wait a whopping 5 hours...

    But again, as others said, call. I wouldn't do it when they open (i tried 2 different days, no answer). Wait about 45 mins or so after they open and call. Believe it was Brian and got me all squared away. Told me 14 business days and it'll be sent, received it in 7...total days. Installed it the very next day. Wasn't fun. But, it's on and it's working.

  4. What I like about this is "I think I need a new banner. mine broke"... how does a banner break? And how do you think you need a new one? The subtle sarcasm as obviously, yours just went through an invisible shredder as it's in nothing but pieces lol.

    Just reminds me of people who obviously need a new whatever it may be but they try to make the old one work... "I think I can fix it. I can patch it together" when it's obvious that it's just too damaged to fix. Cracks me up at times.

    Good shit though. No doubt.

  5. 120 in my lancer... shook a little. was fastest i've ever seen any car get up to that speed, while I don't watch many car shows and all that jazz....

    Was in one of those circle/u turn fuckin on ramp things and bout 3/4 way up, just floored it til got onto off ramp (good...half mile maybe) and looked at the speed, 120. Tried it again with a friend in car and stupid fuck cut me off so all we got to was about 80ish.

  6. so I can buy all those tools and a concrete bucket or 1 single tool?

    geez, tough choice. but I do see that guys point, this isn't the only tool that works. But, I will let him use the concrete bucket...

    I understand what he is saying as well, just giving him a hard time. Jokes aside, even if that setup worked, you would then know how many VA your amplifier can put out into a bucket of concrete. Still wouldn't tell you how many Watts your amplifier puts into your SPEAKERS

    say what? That's exactly what your dyno does. Uses a purely resistive load to measure power output in watts....

    Last time I checked a coil of wire is an Inductor, not a resistor. I think you are confusing it with this http://www.rexresearch.com/davis/davis.htm

    Oh snap Tony doesn't know what bifilar winding is. rofl. it's as close as you can get to a completely resistive load with magnet wire.



    How you know the smackdown could be brought...


    Lol. Fact that you (Tony, Tony, Steve, amongst others) have introduced things like the DD-1, the dyno, so on and so forth? Shows that you not only understand (whether individually/collectively/both) but have more understanding of the advanced stuff than the average user.

  7. I'll go get my popcorn supplies ready. Big trip to Sam's Club as I think I'll have to buy them out of popcorn for this show...Anyone else want some?

    Carry on N8. Always enjoyed watching you do what you do, nothing but good times and laughs for us as whomever the subject is gets what he deserves from ya.

    What I like about this thread, amongst others, it's not just hearsay. "I did this test and it was this as the result." Nope, there's proof. Videos, pictures, etc. Just like how anyone can claim they hit whatever. "I hit 160". Cool story bro. Where's the evidence? So here, there's vids and pics. They show proof. Good stuff right there.

  8. Not exactly what i was expecting to see from the title of extreme blazer "loaded" with dc gear, but that does look good!!

    Well seeing that it is about 10 times bigger than anything else here I would say it is loaded... 3 Level 4's and DC5K might not be a big build for some but due to my location it is HUGE, and only the movie theater is louder...

    Man, I fart louder than your ride. Lmfao jk. I think he means loaded as in... you know... gear absolutely everywhere. Something like this...


    Think he means loaded like that.

    Just saying. Could be wrong. Idk.

  9. Broncos? Really? Fuckers that draft Tebow? That had the WORST RATING EVER?

    Now that they got Peyton, they think their shit don't stink (I live in Denver, I hear it ALL the time).

    All the fans, not even kidding, "We have at least another 2 years after this year with him" but he himself thinks it might be his last. If not, then one more. He has to get checked out after season ends to see if he's capable still, with his neck surgeries and all.

    It's just bandwagoners. Can't stand em. They can't win unless they have ALL the pieces yet... look at the Patriots. Everyone thought they'd be horrible this year, losing Hernandez. Hmm, seem to have beaten the Broncos this year didn't they? With their most important and valuable defense pieces on IR? Hmm. Yep.

  10. I don't care who wins

    As long as it's a good game fuckin game

    I won't watch. Not cause boo, boring, or whatnot. I'm down to watch it. But... work or busy relaxing. When ya work 80 hrs a week, you make your relaxing schedule. Fuck watching whatever's on. You watch what you want to watch. DVR is full of stuff, tons of movies waiting to be watched, etc. I'll just catch the drift online. Lol.

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