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Posts posted by WastedTalent

  1. LOL, harry plopper couldn't stand to LOTR in any field. Except Emma Watson, I don't know Jackson made Arwen so medium and Eowyn so not-hot. But it's ok because Tauriel from the hobbit is up there. But as far as the stories themselves go, not even a thought about it...LOTR hands down in everything.

    True geekdom there. Lol. I never got into either series. I have watched 1 HP movie, while 0 LOTR movies. I know LOTR is more extensive as far as production costs and such but story wise? It's like Star Trek vs Star Wars for me. 0 shits given. Not one who cares bout either series (or any of the 4 mentioned here). I know many people on here are fans, and hey, all good for you. But when get down to comparing what's better? Imo, geek.

  2. I like those kind of short cuts but it's kinda hard to know them if you don't don't know the town

    And yellow doesn't mean go

    Apparently you've never heard of the "california stop" lol. Never truly stop. Just slow down enough to look both ways and go. Applies only to stop signs and red lights where traffic isn't an issue. So yellow light = Green in california, especially if you're alan. Lol.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 3
  3. 244440x_zps963f1035.jpg


    EDIT: I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually fill it out.

    I did. For butt-hurt girl at my old job. Twas HILARIOUS. She told co-workers and the boss, blamed me. Never mentioned it to me though. Co-workers knew it was me as we hated each other and... well, when she told them? They laughed in her face. "Did you fill this out? Do you know about this?" "Let me see...*reads it* LMFAO!!!!!!!! I'll brb, I have to go use the bathroom cause I'm about to piss myself"

    Ahh, the good ole job.... how I miss causing drama. That shit was fun.

  4. Very cool to see this. However, I know they didn't just do it because, there is plenty of advertising in it lol.

    Not to mention the almost 23 million views.

    Reminds me of local radio station granting some xmas wishes. Some of the wishes they doing? Won't even lie, makes me tear up like a baby. Btw, if you watch vid, prepare for the feels....

    That's not the best one but all i can find. They're...weird. Don't upload a lot of shit but upload some.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 3
  5. New captain Morgan. Non spiced rum


    Have you tried it yet? I love me some rum. My favorite is the Captain Morgan Black. Soooo smooth!! The Private stock is great too. Little pricey though. Interested to try this.


    That's what it's about. It's a lame name, for sure, in my opinion. But damn, that stuff is straight magical. I myself WAS a captain guy and ever since I've had this? Captain sucks.

  6. Haha revo, no problem. My only complaint with them is... they have 2 warehouses? Lol. I mean really, I've heard all the talk about sonic and all, just never used them. Then the whole ordeal happened with my car so ok, need what they have. And put what everyone says to the test. Do they really have good CS? Do they really do price match? Do they really do all the things everyone's said? They sure do.

    So no complaints. Nothing wrong with the products received, at least cosmetically. Haven't used them yet so not sure about functionality, but I'm more than positive that they'll work just fine.

    And I do know what you mean, there's typically a lot of negativity around. So someone says something about a company? Yep, they're unhappy with the company. Not in this case. Got me my products in time for my install and in 1 piece, with beyond great pricing. Can't hate on that.

  7. So, totaled my car, salvaged the equipment (minus the wire and all that crap).

    New car, can't take the radio out since so much runs through it. It'd be a royal pain in the ass. So, screw it. I'll keep it and get a processor.

    We've all heard bout the 3sixty.3 and they had one. Just one. 1 in stock. (I took the last one hehe) And being it's the internet, looked around, saw some for cheaper. So did the price match thing through email (didn't know they were open on weekends). Waited and waited, and then was told they were open on weekends so I called, as I need the 3sixty.3 soon, asap. They did a close price match (came within $30 of what I found, better than the original price). Ok, I'm fine with that, let's do it, get it on the way here. Done, as payment was received by them, order number, etc.

    Happy customer.

    Few hours go by and get an email, saying price match. I'm approved for an even lower price. So I email back asking for a refund of price difference. Get a reply next day and "Sure, no problem". So I took some of the refund and ordered some supplies for a future install project. Still have some of that refund left.

    So, happy customer? Nope. Extremely happy.

    Was my first buying experience with sonic and, well got me sold.

  8. So I can get the bitches if I buy em pop corn. Watch out ladies!

    it depends how much the popcorn cost.. you wont get any ladies buying them microwavable popcorn

    Would a total d-bag that has the girl buy em the good shit? C'mon now. Gotta have the microwavable kind to get the fine girls. Remember, makes no logical sense. They rather eat at some damn McDonalds or something rather than your fine and classy restaurant, whatever any of us have that's local (varies obviously).

  9. both. Sometimes they list it on their website. Sometimes they email (although I have never ever gotten an email from them, unless it's tracking info). Sometimes they post on here. Sometimes all 3. I'd keep checking here and on their site though.

    and I also say black friday/cyber monday/thanksgiving. BUT... possible columbus day sale. Is a semi recognized holiday...

  10. I want to like this, but I can't. I can't understand why anyone would give up useable light, for unusable color. All stock hids are 4300 to 5000 k, with the new led headlights being around 5400ish (and subsequently, dimmer than hid's).. 8000k is just ricerish, and a bad idea. :/ rest of the cars very nice though, and the work is, as usual, top notch :)

    because 4300k HID's look too yellow to me. 8000k isn't to drastic. 10k and above is starting to get on the drastic side. Ricerish? NOT. If they were pink, or deep purple, (15-30,000k) i would agree. Bad idea? maybe for you, but a GOOD idea for me.....because its my prerogative. @ 8000k, they are still bright white with a HINT of purple. Before it was bright white with a hint of yellow. As for the fogs, and highs, they WERE halogen, as i explained, so they were switched out to match.

    I want to like this, but I can't. I can't understand why anyone would give up useable light, for unusable color. All stock hids are 4300 to 5000 k, with the new led headlights being around 5400ish (and subsequently, dimmer than hid's).. 8000k is just ricerish, and a bad idea. :/ rest of the cars very nice though, and the work is, as usual, top notch :)


    I've seen some really bad headlights on the street before. Anything with a color hue is horrible. It seems to dull out the brightness and isn't as bright as it could be. I find the pure white hid's to be the best. I drove a mini cooper which has the white hid's, stock xenon's I believe. Much brighter than aftermarket hid's on trucks or ricemobiles as they drove next to me on the highway, the mini cooper's headlights were much more noticeable on the ground as they drove past me.

    the fog lights are Futurevision but the other ones are not. I ordered them online. The highs are whatever brand i could find, they had good reviews. They will rarely ever be turned on. If i do turn them on, they will match. Seems like a good set, i don't anticipate any problems. The headlights already have factory ballasts and is just a direct bulb swap. Bulbs don't generally go bad, ballasts do. So I will be ok.

    as far as "anything with color is horrible", again, that is your opinion. You are entitled to it. It's my opinion that factory is horrible. They were so yellow looking, people would say "you need HID's on your Lexus"....and i am like DUHH they already are HID's. A slight color change isn't nothing to bitch about.

    Was gonna edit the quote but figured better not...

    I wouldn't say 8k would be ricer. I think there's a time and place for anything. Now would you want to roll around with green lights? nah. Not good. But, in MY opinion, if you had a green car (as in green leds and all), pulled up at a car show, think green hid's would work well.

    As far as people complainin about the color? Really? Does everyone agree with what you do to your own ride? Of course not. You went with Brand A when you shoulda gone with Brand B. Or Brand C. Brand A sucks. Blah blah blah. Everyone's ride is just that, that person's ride. Let them do whatever the hell it is they want to. Meade wanted 8k? He got 8k. In MY opinion, looks better. The fogs match better. As far as useable light? Well, 8k is still pretty bright. It's not worthless. Not as bright as 4300k or "pure white" but compare it to what some/most of us on here run. I know I'm running stock halogens. (Long story)

    My opinion, looks good. And must be someone else's opinion as well considering they contacted you for a photoshoot....ahem.

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