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Posts posted by WastedTalent

  1. LATEST UPDATE: I woke up to this email. Looks like its finally gonna air in the USA!

    Hi Steve,

    Hope you are well!

    Just to let you know the series will finally start to go out tomorrow at 10pm on Discovery Science in the US. It is called Outrageous Acts of Science. Here is a link to the site - http://science.discovery.com/tv-shows/outrageous-acts-of-science

    Hope you enjoy it!


    Does your segment air tomorrow? or will it be later on?

    Man, you were too drunk to be on the computer. Stop drinking and typing! Lmfao. No one knows. It can be the first thing on the first episode or could be the last thing on the last episode.

    Nope Purple is stoned it´s

    was last night. 4/19. Lol. Plus he was in chat drinkin...

  2. LATEST UPDATE: I woke up to this email. Looks like its finally gonna air in the USA!

    Hi Steve,

    Hope you are well!

    Just to let you know the series will finally start to go out tomorrow at 10pm on Discovery Science in the US. It is called Outrageous Acts of Science. Here is a link to the site - http://science.discovery.com/tv-shows/outrageous-acts-of-science

    Hope you enjoy it!


    Does your segment air tomorrow? or will it be later on?

    Man, you were too drunk to be on the computer. Stop drinking and typing! Lmfao. No one knows. It can be the first thing on the first episode or could be the last thing on the last episode.

  3. So just yesterday, I ordered some Second Skin. Just a trunk pack, nothing big or whatnot and even registered for an account. I did UPS Ground so obviously, just ordering it yesterday, I don't have it yet.

    I just wanted to say, HOLY BATMAN!! I did a normal order and it's already shipped, tracking info, out of their hands. I knew they were pretty fast, but, for a normal non-rushed order? The same day?

    People (local people around me) tell me to get dynamat and I've pushed second skin. I get the usual "What the hell is second skin?" I've purchased before and while I never got around to doing a full install of it, I was impressed with it. I still have around 90% of it left. But my new car is rattling quite fierce so figured I need more and let's get it on. But I wouldn't even consider dynamat or those type of products, not with the great service and support Second Skin has.

    So although I don't have it yet, I already know that it'll be a top notch product, so on and so forth. I just wanted to say that you guys... by far have great service. I was thinking either today (friday) or monday it'd get shipped. I never thought it'd already be out of your hands, within the first 12 hours.

    Definitely have me as a lifelong customer. Whenever I need deadening or things to that nature, coming to you.

  4. I knew that the 720/PS4 etc. would be dated as soon as they came out. What's new? Don't buy a console. Seriously, don't. Not for you, your kids, or anyone else!

    It has it's demographic. Some people just don't want to deal with the complexity of setting up a rig for something like this and just want to sit down and turn it on and have at it. It still has its place. But yes, seems outdated right out the get-go. But it has to retain it's price-point somehow.

    They finish designing these consoles long before release, they just can't be modern. I know what they cater to, that's the problem, it's a majority market that holds back software development because of its decade long hardware cycle. I suppose I see what you're saying about the price but isn't that why everything gets shitty eventually? LOL

    To be fair not everyone can afford to upgrade every year or two. That is why consoles will always be the biggest sellers.

    It's convenient in a world of convenience.

    You can build a gaming PC for less than the cost of a new console that will crush said new console until the next generation comes out.

    No. I spent $1300ish in parts on my gaming PC for just the tower and it may be "better" than ps3, but my ps3 can handle new games that come out while my PC is struggling with some D3/SC2. Used to be able to play on max settings and now I have to turn em down and still... yeah.

    I'm just worried that the new consoles will only cater to graphics

    If you've seen previews of the new consoles, it's going to focus on connectivity. Things such as, in a sense, bringing Facebook and Twitter into the gaming world. Like always staying connected, allowing you to do everything on the console that you can do on a computer (as far as the web goes), things of that nature. They're trying to make the console....the television of the past. Everyone circles around the TV to watch... well now, they want consoles to be that thing. Turn it on and able to do almost anything. Updated graphics from what's out now, for sure, but it'll be more-so focused on everything being connected and such.

  5. It has the same accuracy as the other one, its the same thing actually, just with a lighter plug in the end. The real question is how accurate will your light socket be :)

    to expand on that, it's reading exactly what your socket will get voltage wise. We all know that what your amp and what any random part of your electrical both get can be different. While your amp won't be at 14 and light socket be at 12 (at least i hope not) or vice versa... it'll tell you what your socket gets and very accurately.

    I have one set up for my amp and one set up for my light socket. I believe I've seen a difference in the two for a fraction of a second twice. And that difference was just .3V difference. Bass hit and they both dropped and one went back up slightly faster. So it's really accurate no matter where you put it.

  6. Happy Kylar? I'm posting haha. Just not specific on your build. Muh bad.

    But Idk if I'll get to it (busy and may take this girl out) this weekend but plannin on doin my parcel shelf. Idk bout other cars, but mine? PITA! Think they estimate about 5 hours to do it. Removing seats, removing pillars, removing shelf, deadening, and then putting everything back in. So... gotta make sure I have the time and I'm not taking her out.

    Then I'll probably have to do a half assed job (depends how much SS I have left) the next nice weather weekend and go for the trunk. I was leavin work the other day and had it up, whoa. Lol. Serious flex. I tried pushing it back in and couldn't. And of course tons of rattle. May require more SS, idk.

    I would do vids but lame iphone camera so, won't be able to see much.

    And Orzech, with what you have? I'd be in love with my deadening if that's what I could get as a final result cause what I have now?

    Callin it The Jackhammer. Lmfao. But no, obviously need tons of it and I have it. Just haven't had good weather or haven't felt good. So this weekend!!! Depending on plans! Lol.

  7. Working on a winter project or gearing up for an upcoming build and needing some supplies?

    Stock up and receive free shipping on your order of $75 or more.

    Use coupon code ShowShipping during checkout.

    Code valid now until this Saturday, the 19th.

    So get yourself some more Damplifier or whatever you want! WOOOO!

    awsome man just an FYI the 19th is Friday

    Great to see you guys hooking people up with a sale

    And the only reason i know its friday cus thats my BDAY

    Ric, check the date. JANUARY.

  8. Thats Beautiful! :D

    Edit Why would he close the window on you. Honestly I would feel honored if you videoed my system :D

    He was on the meter that's why he did

    But he didn't even give out demos when people asked him all he would say is sponsor me

    Yes I was their

    I wouldnt give out demos??? all I kept saying is sponsor me? Thats the dumbest shit Ive heard. First off I dont need a sponsor, second the only time demos got cut off was an hour before my spl runs, to charge batteries.

    I dont go to comps to be Mr Hide my shit from the world, there isnt anything that hasnt been seen or done before.

    when the subs get rebuilt with aluminum parts (in the works) I'll gladly give anyone a demo! Minus the sparks.


    i actually saw him demo'ing several times. Hey madvibes, how does it feel to be me for 2 seconds and have someone lie on the internet and make shit up for no apparent reason, just to make you look bad? LOL my daily routine.

    Steve, that's when you know that you're doing things right. When people gotta talk trash and try to bring you down.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  9. Got mine today. I love it. Just need my system jnstalled to get it dancing. Thanks for signing it steve

    hating on you as of right now. just sent my subs out with my bed and a few other things. so wish i had the time to have put it together so that i could atleast of had a few days listening to it.

    No hate on me? havin one already and got my second one yesterday? Lol. Fed Ex didn't screw up that bad yesterday. They still delivered what I ordered from Steve. Just not my other shipment from another place... I can do you a favor too, when I go home, i can shoot a quick vid of both. both hooked up and such. lmfao.

  10. placing my order now, about $30 cheaper to ship it to oregon then alaska, not only is movig to oregon gonna be great since ill have all that nice warm beach weather and family i havent seen in over 6years ill also save a lot on shipping.

    haha, i hear that man. sometimes, be grateful you don't see family though. I am. psychotic sister and stealing brother... no thanks. But def good to save $$ on shipping. And shipping times are better too! Get it in oregon a lot quicker than in AK for sure.

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