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Posts posted by WastedTalent

  1. I'm not one to bash this idea as it is a great idea, in my opinion. But as far as like a thread or section for each state? I'm sure we have a member, at least one, from each and every state. I can't see that happening. That's 50 threads or so. Then there's also international people as well. Only thing I can think of is like that SMD Tools thing? Says who has what and where they are? Can do that. Take a little work but that's my twist and MAYBE the more reasonable way of doing it.

  2. i can rarely play this for more than a few rounds at a time. ITs much better to play in a party where you know everyone imo

    True that n8. I haven't played for... 2 weeks I think. Just because of that. No one I know is online so I just play something else. Sick of being the only person on the team that knows wtf they're doing. We'll get our asses handed to us, but I'm the only positive or the closest to positive. Got tired of that. So I did download the new map pack (ps3) and tried the peacemaker, wasn't impressed. Haven't even seen the new maps haha.

  3. Alan, there's even 2 out? Lol jk. I only say that because how you say some haven't even played 3 yet? I haven't even played 1. I hear it's pretty much the best ps3 series out there, but yeah... haven't even played the first one.

    I do agree though that if they start producing these that quick... that it will become crap, like cod. it came out roughly once a year (and still does) but it seemed to be that they worked on it. like they would do 24/7 on it for that year. now it seems more like a 8-5 mon-fri type deal. so the fact they've waited so long to release 2 and then 3? Seems like they should keep on that timeframe.

  4. I just set up my browser to take me straight to /board when I hit smd.

    Edit: Nvm, realised I still don't know what they were on about :rofl:

    not sure how you set that up because what they were saying... if you click the big ass "SMD", the logo, the whatever you call it? goes to the homepage of the forum just like hitting the old forum tab. Lol. But yeah.

  5. well the one on the left that you guys are now using? was always there. it's like you're "blueprint" of where you are in the site. notice, if you're reading this... "SMD Forum<General"... go to tunez and general will be replaced by that. So only real difference is "forum" on the right was replaced with "premium classified"

  6. I give it a .0001% chance they sold out already. I mean I got 1 of the first 100. I ordered...two weeks ago I think and got it. Was one of the last ones haha. But took a month and a half to go through 100. I'm sure either he closed pre-order for the 500 or something like that cause when I ordered, it said "in stock"

  7. Sundown is way better than Kicker first off...they are 600w rms so a 1200w amp would be ideal, they can handle more but play it safe...dual 4ohm for both subs to run your amp at 1ohm

    you will want to run a ported box for them in order to get the best performance out of them...not a prefab box, build your own enclosure

    x2 on all that cept the "sundown is way better than kicker". makes it seem like a vs thread. everyone has their own opinions. But, as far as the box? I would get one built by someone since you're new. I'm still new too and I wouldn't attempt it (it costs way too much for my financial budget to be messing it up all the time). I'm sure there's at least one member on here that knows how to build boxes and is close to you that'd build you one for the right price.

  8. :) thanks for the post, i am glad to read topics like this :D

    Thank you for providing members/partners that a person can seriously not worry about, and believe in.

    It is really hard to get much better.


    Kyle, just saw this post and although I haven't made many audio transactions (All transactions I've made though have come from name dropping on here) as I'm fairly new to the audio world (at least the hands on approach), I have to agree. I know sometimes Steve gets a lot of bs, especially on youtube, but I just want to say... Steve is the man. I know in my personal opinion, words more than likely can't say enough as he, himself with other people's help, has made car audio....simple. He made a forum where there's no trolling and everyone's helpful. He helps develop tools that change the industry or greatly improves them. And last but not least, he has some amazing partners/members/vendors on this site that offer great prices that also provide us, the SMD community, with discounts at times on top of the great prices.

    I know I sorta threadjacked this, sorry, but just wanted to give mad props to Steve.

    And onto back on the subject, I personally haven't ordered anything from Sonic but I can tell by the prices, they can't be beat. And everyone goes on and on about customer service, how it's another level. So whenever I need something that they have? Without a doubt, Sonic is where I will go.

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