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Posts posted by westvan_dude

  1. What the hell is going on with MA Audio these days. It's been weeks, maybe months since they had no website. Somebody sleeping at the wheel over there??


    CES and no website, what kinda buffoon is running that company? You'd think they'd get the site running after CES to deal with all the web traffic from interested buyers. Some rumours they sold out their name on Termpro forums. Anybody know any thing here?

  2. The idea was to use a thin layer of body filler on the whole project and finish with paint so any mdf would have to be sanded totally smooth.

    I'm thinking the only way would be to use a second layer of mdf as a lip inside the box. Use 1/2" thick plexi for windows. Weather seal or silicone as you mentioned. And bolted to the lip. I'm wondering if you could just rough up the first 3/4 inch or inch on the outside edge of the plexi where the bolts/screws are and use body filler mixed with a touch of resin over this area and blend it smoothly with the outer mdf. Wondering if that would hold up over time or if it would crack off the plexi and come off due to vibration?

    Guess I'm looking for expert opinions how you mount plexi in a fiberglass enclosure?

    I bought a crap-load of fiberglass supplies today. 10yds of 3oz mat, 3yds of 6oz fabric and some USC feather-rite body filler. Still have to buy some polyester rope for strength ribs.

    A friend needs some simple enclosures in the back of his 90' 4runner in the rear storage pockets so will get some good glassing experience on those. Speaking of which, have to get some cheap 8" subs on ebay that work in small enclosures....

    thumb_cimg0772.jpg?rev=0 Bondo Resin 4L

    thumb_cimg0773.jpg?rev=0 3oz mat, 6oz cloth

    preview_cimg0774.jpg?rev=0 Body filler (supposed to be real easy to sand)

  3. I had thought about a plexiglass panel either side. Maybe a sq.ft. in size either side. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to fasten it in there. Most of the sides will be mdf. Then fleece & glass over the top where the subs mount. I'll be searching this site for any/all plexiglass installs. If you know of any shoot me some links please, or from other sites.

    As far as the seat bottom goes, my plan was instead of building the box on top and under the seat to get rid of the entire seat bottom which is a separate piece from the seat back. Then either go to a wrecker and have cushions made from same material or match it up at an upholstery shop to match the seat back. With that plan what each person sits on would be enclosure. If I used separate bucket seats I might as well ditch the front seats as well and go with a huge centre console.... now there's an idea!!! Who's gonna bankroll it? LOL

    I'd sew up a cover for it too so when you're parked in a dodgy spot just put some dark cloth over the whole centre portion.

  4. I'm fed up with running a sealed box and single 12" so fooled around with a new mdf box with dual 12's and slot vent. It's around 6cuft in mdf and tuned to around 37hz. Two Audiobahn AWT12X's with 4" coils. Bought them blown and reconed them myself.

    Just running a US Acoustics USX1000F on them so 2x400wrms. Pounds pretty good in the mdf box. Looking at an amp(s) upgrade to total around 2-4kw.

    So.... I have a vision of an mdf/fiberglass box which leaves me with both outboard seating positions still available in the back seat. Replace the entire seat bottom & frame, leave seatback. Mdf & glass entire enclosure to fit into seat bottom area. Centre of it kind of like an armrest but holding both subs. Amp might be mounted on the front below front sub across the bottom. It's 20" long. Not sure yet. Will need at least two 6" vents. Was thinking to mount them either side between subs but not sure. Any suggestions? Could I put a large vent either end of the seat bottom on the outboard sides or is it better to have vents close to subs?

    Here's my experimental mdf box just to check output on these babies and tuning:


    Here's theoretical placement of the subs if you can imagine fiberglass/mdf holding them in place:

    preview_cimg0736.jpg?rev=0 view from front seat looking back

    preview_cimg0738.jpg?rev=0 side view

    preview_cimg0739.jpg?rev=0 measuring tape about 27-28 inches high

    preview_cimg0740.jpg?rev=0 measuring tape about 19 inches deep or armrest hits sub if front seat is fully back

    I even had an idea of an acrylic top that the subs bolt into (3/4 or 1inch thick) bend at an angle between subs but fiberglass holding it in, kind of grafted into the enclosure so you can see those bling motors. Not sure though on the best way to integrate acrylic into fiberglass/mdf. Or some side windows on the sides of the armrest portion that holds the subs so you can see inside. I'd light it up with red LED strips in the bottom of the enclosure.

    Any suggestions are most welcome. I won't start serious glass work till March anyway.


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