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95 south

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Posts posted by 95 south

  1. The sad part is the guy with the knife was mentally retarded and known in the area to have that ailment.

    This is what I dont agree with.

    So what if he is mentally challenged or retarded as you put it (which is now socially unacceptable to call a person).

    But the way you are saying it is, since he is mentally challenged it is okay for him to step towards the police with a knife after failing to abide by several commands.

    What are the police suppose to stand there and run a back ground check on him while he comes at them with a knife to find out if this guy has issues going on? Come on now....

    Its like your giving him an excuse saying its okay for him to do what he did because of his condition. If his condition is so serious he shouldn't be roaming the streets freely.

    But hey if a mentally challenged guy goes and shoots up a school, a movie theater, or if a soldier that has done several tours in a foreign country and the army has noted his mental issues several times and has to see a psychologist its perfectly fine to look down upon that person for doing the mass shootings that they just did and call them a sick bastard.

    Sounds about right to me.......

    I never said it was ok with what he did. I said the sad part was he is mentally retarded or challenged. I don't condone violence one way or the other so I believe you read what I wrote wrong.

  2. The sad part is the guy with the knife was mentally retarded and known in the area to have that ailment. I normally don't get into anyone's outlook on politics, religion and sexual preference because its all based on opinions. The terrible part about the first shooting is the people are protesting about what they believe in. Not the looters or problem starters. Its no way I would ever pass judgment on anyone for sticking up for what they believe in and wouldn't waste my time debating over the net with anyone that it didn't effect. I have no idea what really happened there and not sure if anyone on this site does except what the media throws out to us. I just hope they find peace and move on. its enough racial bias on this forum and in this world as it is. No need to keep kicking it around. Just let the people that get paid to find the truth and justice to do its job. My last thought is I hope if he is found guilty no one celebrates and I hope if he is found innocent no one celebrates. When things like this happen we lose as a nation because we fight all our lives to come together but become divided over the smallest things.

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