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Mr. Darkjustice

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Posts posted by Mr. Darkjustice

  1. Old album, clipped album :shrug:

    You call a month and 3 weeks "old"?

    Yepp, when you are me you can get albums before the are in stores :D

    And rip off the artists? That's fucking shady.

    Cool story bro.

    so i take it every single song you possess you paid for or was free from a mixtape site?

    Actually yea, it was paid for. I support the artists and buy the albums. The only songs I haven't paid for are the bass enhanced or chopped and screwed versions. Doesn't matter if you believe me or not, I stay true to the artists I follow.

    it dont make me a diff whether you buy or not lol. i just wanted to point out just cause you got a song edited from someone else doesnt mean youre not rippin off the artists. ijs

  2. Alright, here's another question. Why is there no Level 1 DC? It starts at Level 2...this bothers me idk why.

    i think cause there was/is no market for them. id take level 3s over p3s. not sure about level 2 though. oh and i run dc. matter of fact when i first heard about them it was before there was a bandwagon. and i bought them before coming back to this forum over 2 years ago. so definitely not a monkey see monkey do. just know a quality product

  3. ya, its a different type of amp than anyone uses. its basically a big ass motor controller turned into an amp.

    mind goin indepth? lol

    thats just about all i know :shrug:

    damn i was hoping someone would know how brazil is doing it. aside from sprinkling crack on the inside

  4. Whats wrong with m3s?

    x2. I wouldn't drive a car from a foreign company, but those things are still solid as hell.

    did u guys watch the video??

    lol the video doesnt mean the M3 actually tried to race them

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