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Mr DeeBeez

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Everything posted by Mr DeeBeez

  1. Thanks man! Means a lot! I have sure learned a TON! It really is all thanks to you, and many others on this forum that I have sort of looked up to and learned from. This forum has certainly fueled my passion for this hobby. Thankful for everyone ive met on here and learned from. Im itching to get it playing and hear it. Also, will be having two 320a alts on their way within a week or so to replace the 240's ?
  2. Got all 4 3500’s mounted and wired up. Just need to pop in fuses and hook up the rca’s. Shitty part is I went to mount the subs today, and the flush mount cut out is too small. So I gotta sand it down to widen it. Then re paint. Minor set back. But should be playing within a week!
  3. Oh I’m so excited. For the past month and a half I have only been listening to some 5 1/4 components in my back doors on hu power. Lol
  4. Mario made it for me. He isn’t publicly selling them tho. The knobs keep him very busy as it is.
  5. Got it all painte and got the wires inside all secured down. Also mounted the relay panel and rca distribution blox. Loving these SPL Cartel rca’s
  6. Just for you josh. and yeah its coming together pretty fast. Got the port rounded over today. Filling all the screw holes, and painted the rest of the port. W
  7. 4 layer flush mount baffle installed today! Will be filling the screw holes so you don’t see any of them. Just gotta finish painting it and it will be ready for subs! Getting there. Slowly but surly.
  8. Got the battery box/amp rack done and painted. Will have 4 3500’s stacked on top of each other on top of the batteries, then 2 Q4.90’s on the wood facing the hatch. Got the amp rack yesterday. Will be cutting the port in the baffles soon, and once the baffles are mounted, the box will be all done, and just need to be sealed to the b pillar! also, got a whole bunch of SPL Cartel goodies that will be goin in. p.s. sorry for poor picture quality
  9. Still slowly getting there. Couple hours of work every day. Got the port all finished and glued together. Wires up the terminals, got both of the subs reconed, painted the outside. Got amp racks ordered and on their way. Should be just a couple more weeks till I’m playing!
  10. Then built the platform over the batteries. Will stack 4 3500’s on top of the batteries. Then mount 2 4 channels to the front of the battery box.
  11. Slowly making progress. Got the port sides in, and starting to lay down paint for port. Will finish assembling the port once I’m done painting it.
  12. Small update. Got the shell all done. 45’s in all the corners and shrunk up the volume a bit to get 12 cubes after all displacements. Got all the port pieces cut. Just need to get wood filler tomorrow and then sand and paint the port before I install everything. Also got the baffles all cut and the sub cutouts cut. Slow but steady progress. Working on it at least 2 hours a day every day. Slowly getting there
  13. It was 20 and sunny yesterday. I had all the wood inside so it was warm, and I had my truck running for about an hour before I started working. And kept my truck running while I did it so it was warm inside. Then would start my car every hour or so to keep it warm for a few hours after it was all put together
  14. Got the shell all assembled today! 2 layers all the way around. Just need to add 45’s to all the corners, fiberglass all the seams, make the port, and make the quad baffle. Hopefully I’ll get most of that done tomorrow. Here’s what it looks like now. Getting excited to get this done!
  15. Got a little more progress done today. Got two layers of 160mil vibraflex put onto the roof in front of b pillar. Super solid now! got two layers put down on the base. Hoping to have the rest of the floor done by tomorrow then em decided to foam the roof supports and all the other gaps on the roof.
  16. Just purchased two spools myself!
  17. Here's what will be powering everything. 4 Q3500's on the subs. 2 Q4.90's for mids n highs
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