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Everything posted by AlpineGuy87

  1. owell lol. i think i might get this sucker and put it in this prefab sub system. I think it would sound better than this little one i got..
  2. Get this bad boy, i guess i'll be set! =D
  3. oh yea i heard that little monster!! that thing sounds crazy!! lol.. yea i had Tang Band but roscoe thought it was tang bang.. i wasnt sure lol..
  4. i've found they are known for excursion from small subs.. i figured i'd get one that could handle some more bass than the one i got now. lol
  5. The sub I have now in my Altec Lansing system is a 5.5 inch sub
  6. i searched tang bang and it came up tang band..!?! i thought it was tang bang... lol
  7. Hey, I got this Altec Lansing system I wanted to swap the sub out with a Tang Band sub.. What is a suggested sub?
  8. alright, so i'll work out the ceiling arrangement! hopefully i have long enough wires, may have to buy some lol i ran out doing my other audio stuff in my room lol. Hopefully the sound will be nice! wish I could do my entire room but it would work out better that way if the desk was more centered and stuff or smalller room. But i'll do with them on ceiling. i'll try it out atleast lol. I'm ordering them soon. so can wait!
  9. ok. so the 2 fronts and the center are pretty much in good placement i can raise the 2 fronts if needed. so the 2 rears... my options are... - ceiling above me angled down. - on the wall in front of me little higher than fronts - on the wall in front of me much higher than the fronts - or right there next the to two fronts.....
  10. also the hieght of my screen is kinda high as it is.. should the speakers be in height of my ears/head cuz my eyes are level with the bottom of my monitor. So the center speaker will be in same height level as my ears.
  11. What If i placed them on the ceiling behind/above me? i have a ceiling fan but i could put them almost right above me angled down?
  12. well it will be hard to put them behind me, i kinda figured i would just eliminate that option.. its in a corner of the room...
  13. lol ok.. so should i LOWER the ones on the wall? and perhaps raise the 2 on the desk to be the same hieght at the center?
  14. so the 3 on my desk should be placed fairly ok, its about a 50 inch wide desk, the center will be below monitor, the left/right fronts will be on the main table top on both sides. Should I move the other two, which i am guessing are really supposed to be the "rear" speakers, but i have a "rear like 16 feet away from me and that seems pretty far for desktop speakers to be.. so the two on the wall are those in OK place? just little higher maybe?
  15. Trying to figure how i'm going to arrange my setup that i'm getting next week. I just added the images on top of my old setup. what you think about the placement? Its such a small area not sure where to put the 5.1
  16. cough... mac dont get virus ...cough lol hope you get rid of it bro
  17. seriously this is what I did, I was looking on ebay for some decals, and came across a user that had tons, and they actually have their own vinyl decal lettering store and also an ebay vinyl store, and i purchased one thing from them, and then couple weeks, months later i kept going to them and asking them if they could make some for me. If you search ebay, look for a user that does all vinyl and message them if they can do custom lettering for you, if they got their own machines i'm sure they would. i think it would be around 10-20 dollars for both
  18. --> QUOTE(Eric B @ Dec 21 2007, 06:55 PM) 215843[/snapback] I got christmas off? lol... me too but i'm getting paid for it! =P
  19. I was pleased to get a credit card from my job! =D Spend it anywhere!! WOOT!
  20. i was doing that too lol. the top stores on there all seem to be legit and good to me, Anyone use www.CluIT.com to shop?
  21. But are the stores they list fairly legit? No shipping issues or service issues for the main part? I want to go with Club IT because I can get the speaker system for 199 as final price which is greatest deal i've seen. http://www.clubit.com/product_detail.cfm?i...TC-pr1c3grabb3r
  22. Any of you have any past experience with any of these online stores? I want to get the cheapest price, but I also want a reliable online store to shop from. You familiar with any of these? http://computers.pricegrabber.com/speakers/m/4117156/ Club IT is the better price, i've never heard of them so i dont really know about their service but I checked it out and seems good to me. Out of the listed stores what would you guys recommend?
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