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Posts posted by zaxfire69

  1. even if the wire catches fire Im sure that he can rip that shit out its not like he used a big orage cord

    I don't know if you have ever done that before. I did one time without my gloves on and the glowing red wire burnt my 4 fingers damn near to the bone. Needless to say I didn't rip anymore shorted out extension cords off of a car.. That shi@ hurt. That was my EPIC FAIL PIC>

  2. Ha Ha I was wondering what was wrong, why the subs didn't get as loud as with my AB amp. DUH needed to connect the Negative wires of each amp together. That would help. Now I am going to go back and Set the gain to around 77.5 Volts AC and we should be seriously wangin.

    Man this thing is gonna be seriously nasty. I can't wait to actually turn it up. Come on people wake the hell up. I gotta do work.

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