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Posts posted by 310_cutty

  1. They have a beefy 2000 watt amp for like $239 on Sonic Electronics..But, I know, looks can be decieving!!!Anybody had or used one? Im looking to rebuild again!!

    I used to own a Performance Technique, and as soon as I switched to a RF I saw a night/day difference...

    Overrated and not that reliable.

    However, what are you trying to run? If its not something major then it will do, but for that price look in to other brands like audioque or audiopipe.

    How many real watts do you want?


    I have heard alot of good reviews on these 2 brands.

    I would also rather go with Hifonics over Performance Technique any day...

  2. Try deleting system32.exe while you're at it. That should make them go away.

    Wait, I lied. Don't do that. They're processes that Windows runs. winlogon.exe manages user logon and logoff and csrss.exe is your current active session. Neither should be deleted or terminated.

    HaHa, I'm not that dumb...

    Thanks for the input ;)

    Relax! you are fine

    I wasnt that worried until I googled it and got alot of mixed answers. Thanks...

  3. X 100000000000000000000 i could not afford to go to college, due to all my medical and credit card bills. i just couldnt, but yet thier is these fucking illegals and immigrants who get to do it for free. THATS BULLSHIT. i mean im not tryin to be racist, if you came here leagally and your legit more power to ya and good luck. i just find it bullshit that people from every other country get more pirks here than us americans do, while we have to pay for it all!!!

    Wow, I'm glad I'm not around there... If they feel that way GTFO of the United States of America. That school needs to punish the shit out of who ever did that, or if it was teacher provoked, teachers need to get a new job.

    *illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL why the fuck should they get help from our government, they need to be sent back to where they came from, without any help from us, except maybe a kick in the ass to get 'em moving.

    I hate when ppl talk shit about Immigrants being Illegal or not, If they are Illegal or not how does that hurt you???

    Most Illegals that I know are hard workers, unlike some of the kids these days that just because they are born here think they have no need to work because they have the right to collect disemployment!!!!

    Also its not like all of us are 100% legit!!!!

  4. Damn dudes calm down its old news bet you it's kids that are ignorant and misinformed shit im a Mexican-American and no matter what that is disrespectful doing that type of shit.I mean when we did a walk out we still had american and mexican flags hanging out i mean you gotta remember we are in american after all like i said its most likey those kids that did it are just misinformed on that situition so then being dumb did that OR they just forgot how to put the flag up?


    And the ppl talking mad shit about Mexican and illegal immigrants sound just as ignorant as the ones on the link!!!!

    No offence to anyone just my .02

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