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Posts posted by Dan.

  1. I know that this topic has started alot of arguments in the past on this fourm and that is not what im tring to do. I am just wondering which sub would be better for my set up, I know they are both awesome subs and both get nasty loud, but I just want a few professional opinions on the topic. I'm running 4K watts total 2K on each one in an enclosure 5^3 per sub tuned to 38HZ. I want to run either 2 DD 9515's or 2 DC lvl5 15"s. I don't really lile to meter my truck I just like to beat the block up and please the croud if you'll know what I mean. So which one of the two will be better, and if you havent run either of the subs and just want to voice your opinion that you only read about on the internet please dont post. I would like to hear from people that have ran either or both of the subs and can help me out and not just talk about something they know nothing about. Thanks for any real reply I greatly appreciate it.

    P.S you'll help me out so I can start a build thread

    Having played with both i personally prefer the way the DC's play, both are awesome woofers though :)

  2. oh sorry terd forgot to mention that those are DD copies my bad so go crawl back up in ur mom

    Good cause i dont want to be u. There hasnt been any bashing going on just an observation of product. plus i dont see any of SMD systems coming out with DC in it. Sorry u cock swingers cant take a little bit of the truth. Thats all im saying. If theres any bashing going on its to the morons argueing with solid facts.

    In that case please show me the DD motor the same as a level 5 thanks :)

    I shall not concern myself with a forum troll, no point in product bashing fact is there are many great brands out the some of which are mentioned in this thread.

  3. WOW subs from RE, Amps from Sundown, Batteries from X-static when are we going to see something orignal from DC??

    ok then....

    please show me a 4XL & 5 sub from re... The level 4s might LOOK the same as am SX howevr the wy in hich they perform is very different.

    looks like jacob sold rusty a saz3000d and rusty put on his logo :P

    the bold bit in the reply you quoted is the important bit... sundown do not do the 2Ker as mentioned in this thread....

    sundown buy from the same build house.... as do MANY other companies this particular build house is VERY highly regarded in the industry...

    DC no longer do batts

    Welcome to the real world components are shared as it keeps the cost down, who cares if it means you get a cheaper prouct, unless you want to a for the R&D costs repeatidly...

    Now go crawl back under the rock you came from ;)

  4. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/hairtrick.gif

    As the UK DC and Sundown rep, it makes sense that like a lot of you guys i should be running DC Sundown.

    I am running in my Daily Hack/Demo car 2 x LV4 15's (Chrome) with 2 x Sundown SAZ1500D amps, with a sundown SAX100.4D up front currently on a set of DLS Ultimate Iridium comps, but soon to be a set of DC comps (when they are made!!!).

    There will be a whole set of build pics coming over soon.

    As Dave(thetroublemaker) is a busy guy i thought I'd post this up for him...

    All readings were taken in full legal db drag position, all windows and doors closed etc.

    System is 2 x DC Level 4's and 2 x Sundown 1500z's all located in the trunk.

    The peak was 36hz, we have included plots for 25,30,36,40 and 45hz.

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    Very happy with the results, and hope theres still more to come on a straight burp with cool coils (we spent a while trying to find the peak before realising it was lower than 40 lol!)

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