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Posts posted by techaninna

  1. need:

    HU- shouldn't need it use stock

    Wiring kit and all accessories- http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KLM-AK0 (i know its KLM safe up to 200 amp) $60

    Bat.-may need it

    woofer amp- http://www.db-r.com/sell/store/index.php?productID=150 $325

    woofer(s) 2 12's (FI SSD) or (DC LVL 3) under $400 and can fit in about 4cuft ported (dont know space he has)

    door speakers- http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseac...Product_ID=5207 $100


    Total- $885 so far... Big 3 and see about another battery.

    Just my opinion but there are a lot of people on here that can probably help ya more. If he wants to hear 2 lvl 3 12's on a sundown 1500 hit me up.

  2. Ok a friend asked me to put a system in his 03 neon. Younger guy in high school on a tight budget but wanted loud and something different than two 10's which most kids his age have. He told me he wanted to spend under 600 dollars for everything.

    HU: Kenwood Excelon KDC-X591 with USB from Crutchfield (free install gear) $180 shipped

    Subs: 3 RE Audio RE12's $180 shipped from woofersect.com

    Amp: MTX6500d $100 from me

    Enclosure: triple 12 sealed $85 shipped from caraudiofactory.com

    Wires: Knu 4ga kit $33 shipped

    Install: free (i just like doing it)

    Total: $578

    Just curious what everyone would do with a 600 budget.





  3. Congrats Ray on being prego.

    My wife quit smoking the night she found out she was with child. I smoked outside that night then realized it wasn't worth it and quit. After she had my son she went back to work about 2 months later and started smoking again. So needless to say we started smoking again but not in the house not in the cars. Basically we smoke at work. Your right its all mental you gotta want to quit in order to quit. Good luck on all. First baby?

  4. No i don't have aim.

    I had 2 different s10 ext with two different systems. In both I tried all arrangements with ports an subs my best was both up. I mean there a lot of things that come into play. When you measured was someone sitting in the front seat. That was my noob mistake about 4 years ago I made the box and had it all installed and when someone would sit in the driver or passenger seat they'd be on the subs. So for the first week or so I sat with knees in the dash, then pulled it out and rebuilt.

    Its up to you man let me see how narrow on depth you can go to still have sub forward and port up.

  5. Have you thought about putting sub and port up. I know people who have had decent luck with sub forward but they had buckets. Also do you just want DC's recommended enclosure specs or you wanting it bigger? 1000 watts rms I'd say doing between 1.5 and 2.0 but its up to you. BTW with your dimensions you got about 2.9cuft with out sub and port displacement.

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