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Posts posted by jack

  1. damn, if u consider to split it up ied take one of those 1500's off ur hands, but bump for a good dude and a loud as metro

    if i can get people lined up to dump everything at once i will split up but my plans need all the money at once(cant sit on the product and hope to sell part of it. try getting some friends together and every one go in on it and split it up amongst you

  2. as some of you know , my toy has been down for a while , so i thought it had some thing go wrong with the cylinder head ( broke valve spring , valve , etc..)

    but finally got some xtra cash to fix it , so i called my mechanic over to my house to give it a look over and he said i either have a broken piston skirt or piston wrist pin ... :bad: so that means i gots to replace the engine , well i was just wondering how long does it take to pull a 22re and drop a new ( used ! ) one in ??? has anyone done something like this ??

    any where between 2 and 6 hours in your truck if it is the one in your avi

  3. got home 1/2 hour ago, ready fer beer number three. on the drive home it was the new jeezy.., shit was wangin. and for those who cant drink early...last weekend i was crackin beers at 8 in the mornin (i was camping tho)

  4. He's he deal. I have a TJ jeep and i wanna put one powerful 18 in the back (or 2 perhaps). Anyway, i've been looking at getting a BTL. But my question is, would a DD9518 put out more than the BTL, when loaded to max RMS wattage. Looking at bout 2500W for BTL, unsure of how much for DD...

    I really wanna pull 150 in Super Street NW, Street max or Street C (these are Australian classes), but still be able to use it as a daily sub.

    Also, and other suggestions for sub choice would be great!!

    for the purpose of comps and #s.... build for ssnw; streetc would limit you to 1 18, 2 batteries, and a non running car, also how would you get that speaker behind the back seat of a wrangler

  5. x2 on that. well when your down and out, and for some thats the only way they know how to make money. i know myself i pay alot of money to the state through court fee's ect. police make it hard for people. but then again thats life.

    back on topic. thats one hella nice install jack. nice work

    you need to swing by and check it out(before it dissapears. the stage is great

  6. DSC02597.jpg

    the bbq is tight, but i spy a boat in the back ground. off topic sorry but i bought a fishing lic. at the beginning of the season and i have only went 1 time :angry: my friends suck they dont like to fish.

    i dont really like to fish either :unknw:

    lol i wanna see a vid of the geo pulling that boat around. i didnt notice the boat before lol

    here is my car trying that :bad:

    thanks again for bringing it to the manteca show last weekend the chicken was good.
    thank joey and kimo for the food i just brought the heat
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