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Loud & Low 8th Gen Civic UBL #2

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Rust-Oleum filler primer.




Here you can see some spots that need to be filled


more spots


and the corner.


Spot filling


Alot of the bottom edge needed to be addressed. So I just filled it all over again.


I got it all sanded down, but I had a hard time. I don't know if I didn't add enough hardener on it, or the primer wasn't dry or what was going on. I gave it about 45 minutes and had a fan blowing on it, and it was pretty warm today. So I figured that was good enough time.


As you can see here, it wasn't really sanding, it was more rubbing off. This corner sin't so terrible


the edge isn't great


but this was the worst one. I just wasn't getting any better either so I left it alone after a bit.


This is the top part. It was ok, but mostly the same thing.


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After sanding it all down, I decided to go ahead and prime it over again, only using regular primer this time instead of filler primer.


It covered ok, still not so good on the look. But I think it'll be ok.


This corner is by far the ugliest.


And this is the top. Some high spots that could be addressed.


After some time I decided to see what some black would reveal. I didn't have any black primer, so I went with this satin stuff.


Really brought out the look of it. Changed the dynamics. Here you can really see the difference in the symetrics of it. Different angles etc.




Here we are in the staging area. I was getting a little ahead of myself here. I still have some other work to do before I cover it. This is getting covered so the filler etc doesn't have to be perfect paint grade sanded smooth or anything. Just decent. I don't think it's going to show in the final product.


While inside the house I ran across the gift from LeAndre Davis and Billy Rust and I was holding off on it until the shop was operational. So I decided to get it hung up! Thanks guys!


Then I couldn't stand it, so I decided to get the amps out and do a little test fit! It's gonna look so good! I'm happy with it so far!


How you would see it from standing at the trunk. Have to admit I got a little excited here!


So that's about it. Still quite a bit to do, but it's getting closer to being finished. The amp rack anyway.

I don't think I've said it yet, but I absolutely love the new set up in the shop. Lighting is great, fans are good, although I need to change one out. Electrical is perfect. Loving it. Makes life so much easier.

So what's left to do. Here's a little list:

* Spot sand a few places

* Drill out and install threaded inserts for the amps

* Figure out cooling system

* Finish work (covering)

* Modify the amps looks :peepwall:

* Mount the amps

* Install in the car

So there's still quite a list of things to deal with and take care of. But I think most of that will go quickly. So I'm hoping by the end of this week it'll be ready to be put in the car.

I do leave for Washington on Friday and don't get back to Monday afternoon. So this weekend is out for working. But I'm hoping that the next few weeks will bring at least an hour or so a night in working on this. But we'll see how that works out.

Here's a little video of the work as well.

Also, for faster updates and more information, check out my facebook page, linked in my signature, and like the page. I'm still trying to get to the 100 likes mark so I can give some stuff away!

UBL is also in the link for all pictures and less talk.

More to come very soon! Thanks for checking in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So last time I left you guys I thought I had the amp rack about 80% done. I thought I was ready to set the amps and mark for mounting holes but it appears that I was wrong. I had a bad rocking issue going on with the driver side amp. The upper front corner was high, or so I thought, so I had to do a lot of sanding. You can see where the amp was sitting, and that I did some sanding.


Not real easy to tell, but after sanding you can see that there's about 3/16" gap between the amp and the rack. That may be ok for some folks, but not me. I was also worried that if I went ahead and tightened it down so it sits flush this way that it's sitting now, that I might tweak something on the board, or something like that. So I decided to do some more work to make this right.


Did more sanding. This is about the extent of the sanding I could do up here. You can see, other than looking like a weather report, on the top center there that is the original layer of glass. So I've gone pretty deep here. (That's what she said) So I couldn't really do much more sanding down. It still was about 1/16" - 1/8" high.


So I said fuggit and got prepped for some build up surgery! We're about to get serious!


Sanded it down some more to prep the area.


Then got a good layer of filler on it. Tried to stay low on the rack so as not to build up the part that I need lower than the other.


Got out the 60 grit and started sanding it down.


After the 60, I hit it with 100 to smooth it out a bit better.


Another angle. Did a test and it's still off. I was getting pretty pissed at this point. But it was also time to call it, cause I had to take my daughter to soccer practice. See my life is constantly busy! This was my hour of work ability yesterday.


Got back from soccer practice and got the kids in bed, dinner, etc. So I was going nuts because I wanted to get that done and right. So while the wife was on the couch in her nightly nap, I decided to sneak back out and see if I could concour this beast! One more layer of filler, I put this one on with a drywall broad knife!


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While that dried, I busted out another project to keep me occupied until that was ready for some sanding action. She's a beaut isn't she!?! But it looks like everyone else's. Didn't really want that.


Let's just take her top off, calm down guys we're talking about the amp!


Whoa, what is this!!?? Think about it for a moment. We'll get back to it. Time to sand!


So I got the 60 back out and started knocking this back down and seeing if I could get it right.


Alas, i still had about 1/16" to deal with. Damn it! But I won't be defeated. This again, is where the amp foot is going.


it's also the area that I need to knock down again. I built it up a bit with the other area so that I could have enough to sand down if needed. So the circled area is what needs to drop down.


Looking at this angle, the bottom of the pic (with the green filler) is the back of the amp rack. It's the part that goes toward the back of the car. Notice the sanded area above it?


I sanded it down because after working with the front for so long, I finally had it close, but realized that I'm concentrating on one half when I needed to hit the other half as well. What I found out is that it was teetering on this corner, and the back upper corner. So after knocking this down a bit, I still had my 1/16" to deal with. The only thing that changed was the end that it was rocking on.


So it was time to address this the same way. Filled it up, as well as some other spots. This should do it.


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While that dried, i went back to this project. Black Carbon Fiber Vinyl. Heated it up a bit as well as the cover.


And BAM! This is what we got!! Now in looking at it, and setting it on top of the amp this way, it pops all by itself even though it's black like the amp. The CFV really brings out a certain dimension to it.


So I went to my little file cabinet, and got something to make it dance! Recall I got these a month or so ago. Well, this was the reason for them.


This is the end result! Not much, subtle, but I love love love the look!


Close up of it.


Now here it is all back together. I think it really adds dimension and depth to the amp looks. I love it! Especially is going to pop with the finishing touches to the amp rack that are going to happen!


Close up of it on the amp!


Now that the amp is done, I got the 60 out again and started knocking the filler down one more time.


This time, I was successful! God I love the looks of the amp in there. And picturing a sister next to it, with the logo facing this one! WOW! I gotta make some money so I can make that happen!


Got a damp rag and wiped her down. Looks like a Picasso!


Had some orange paint laying around. But not enough for the whole thing. You can see here obviously. LOL But this brought out some more flaws I'm going to go ahead and fix with a little spot filling and sanding. Then we're ready to move onto the next stage of this project.


So what's next?

I have to figure out the cooling system part of this. I have an idea, I just have to make it work. I don't see it being an issue really, but that's next. I wanna cover this so badly, but I can't yet. I will also mark the amp mounts, and then get some hardware in there. Then those will be ready to mount when it's time. After the fans are done, then it'll be time to cover it, and install it.

I'm getting closer to being done with this part of the project. Good too, cause I felt like I was never gonna finish it. Ready to move on to other things.

Also have some surprises on the way! But I'll reveal those in due time!

Thanks for checking in.

Remember I still have prizes to give away. We need a lot more likes on the page though. Like my Facebook page, linked in my signature, and when we hit 100 likes I'll do a small prize give away!

More to come soon!

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  • 1 month later...

So last I left you guys with updates, I'd just finished the amp rack and threw some paint on it as well as covered one of the amps. So let's get some other updates going on here.

Yes I'm back at it. I got some things done a while back and never posted pics, but then I did a few things this morning also. I'll get some more work done tonight. I'm going to try my hardest to get this thing up and running by Autorama in February. Not sure if I'll run and compete but I know there's a lot of folks that are going to be there and would like to see this thing up and running, and of course as would I. So that's my new goal. Lots of work to be done, so let's get to it.

I know in the last post I just did I said I was simplifying things. I am still doing that. I think. Honestly I'm on the fence about it. But I'll make the decision as I get to building. I am keeping all the amps I have however. No sense in selling them cause I know me, I'll sell them and then kick myself in the ass for doing it. SO, I'll save myself the heartache.

On that note, here's what I did a while back.


Time to get them dressed up. Tools and materials.


Little entertainment while I work. Still have to finish this. I've got like 4 episodes to go now.


I had already done one, which I think you guys saw, and that's the 3500 up on the top left there. Man that's a nice picture. Sweet amps!


Got the second 3500 covered. This is essentially how they'll sit in the amp rack.


Close up.


And same thing for the 1100.4's.


Basically how they'll sit in the trunk. Time to get to work on the amp rack. NOTE - This may not happen. As I said I'm thinking of toning it down. So I'm probably going to do the two amps in the middle but it would be 1 3500 and 1 1100.4. Just so there's no confusion!


So all the amps are covered now and I personally think they look sexy as FAWK!!!

Now it's time to get on with it. Let's get this build back under way for real!

First thing I need to do is get the amps prepped. Make sure they have everything in them that's going to be in so that I can get an accurate idea of where they're going to sit.


In order to do that I had to put the Dual inputs in.


And I also put in a pair of rcas that I'm going to be using when I make the rcas. That's down the line, I'll have an album for that by itself as well as videos for help with folks who want to make their own.


The 1100.4 got the same treatment.




This doesn't have dual inputs, I did 1/0 to 4ga reducers for this. I wanted to have the best power with no issues so I decided to run 1/0ga to this. Also everything will look the same that way.


Time to measure up and get these baby's set.


Its gotten cold here, and the shop isn't insulated. So I rolled out the carbon fiber vinyl and it was super stiff in the roll, so there was no way to work with it. So, I rolled it out on the bed, in the warmer house, and hopefully that will help flatten it out. That's all I had time for this morning. Ill get more done tonight and post pics of my progress.


So that's where I'm at now. I took the time this morning to get the amp prepped and roll out the vinyl. If I can get it done, my plan tonight is get the amp mounts drilled in and set, and then cover the rack itself. After that I'll be ready to put it in the trunk and mount the amps. Then, for now, the amp rack will be done, until it's time to wire everything up.

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Ok let's get this underway.

Measuring the amp separation, I noticed it was about the same width as my level. So I grabbed it and also figured out that it would help me keep them straight. I also checked it with a square and it's all good. Now it's time to mark the spots.


Got the amp mounts marked up, and we're ready to drill for the mounts.



Here are the inserts and the ca glue. Ready to go in.


All the holes were step drilled. What's that mean? Means I started with a smaller bit to get a pilot hole. Then went larger and larger until the insert would fit in with some pressure.


Then I used a 1/2" bit to counter sink the lips of the inserts. God I love my camera. Look at that detail. You can even see how much work it'll take if I actually decide to paint this instead of what I'm doing now.


A little ca glue, and the inserts are in.




Ready for amps.


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But first let's get her covered up. Got some orange carbon fiber vinyl wrap, not the glue on stuff, this is the peel and stick stuff.


One side done for the most part. This is not easy and really is a pain in the ass. I noticed here that I was not going to like it.


Got it all done. But not happy with it at all. From back here it looks good. But up close it's not good at all. But it's ready for amps now.


Close up of the carbon look. But also the imperfections of it.


The sexy moment I've been waiting for. These amps make everything look better!! WOOT! Amps mounted. That was last night.



This morning I went out and looked and it was all bad again. Air bubbles everywhere. Corners pulled back too.


Wrinkles everywhere


These appeared on the seam at the back.


More bubbles, wrinkles and imperfections.



The back was the worst. Apparently there was a slit in the corner from rubbing it to get it to sit down, and I didn't notice it until this morning it's kind of pulled back. Plus all the wrinkles back there, and the air bubbles as well. Now this part won't most likely be seen because the enclosure will be over the top of it, but it still drives me crazy. Not happy at all!



Better view of the front seam.


So that's where I'm at. Amps are mounted and this thing is HEAVY AS SHIT NOW!! But that's ok, not the point.

I have a couple of options. I like the carbon fiber look, and I'd like to keep it. But this is not going to work for me. Too many flaws and imperfections. Here are my thoughts.

1 - Originally I was going to do this in marine carbon fiber vinyl, not wrap but the stuff you have to glue on. I can go that route and order that. The issues surrounding this, is the corner and the walls on the sides and back. It's a hard angle and a hard radius. It doesn't like to sit down very well, as you can see. SO, I could head up to my mom's and sew the seam with this vinyl and make it look nice that way. I was honestly thinking that I could do the base in black cfv, and then do the sides and end in orange. I almost think the orange is just too much. But I don't know. So Option 1 is actual vinyl in carbon fiber.

2 - Strip this cfv wrap, and get out the sand paper, primer, filler, and paint and get to work. This will take lots of work. I'm just not sure I like the solid paint look. But It's an option.

3 - Andrew Crandis mentioned something I hadn't thought of, but in my ever learning evolution of this project and overall audio knowledge I'm seriously considering this one. It would be as much if not more work than the painting of it. But if I could do it, it would look 1000000% better than vinyl, or paint. The third option is to actually do carbon fiber. I have to look up and see if I can get it in colors or not. I'm sure I can. Maybe I'd have to use kevlar for this, I'm not sure. I don't see any actual carbon fiber in orange. What I see is carbon/kevlar in orange and black, which would just be sick I think. IF, I could pull it off. So I"m heavily leaning in this direction, but it's not going to be cheap. It's gonna cost me at least $40 just for the material. On top of that I'll have to get the resin. I need to watch videos and learn a few things as well.

4 - Option 4 is somewhat of a dress up idea. Remove the wrap, paint the base black. Mount the amps, and then make a trim ring (kind of like hunter johnson did with his amps) around each amp and tie them together. Then fiberglass them up to the edges of the amp rack and make a trim cover piece. Then cover it with whatever.

So I have some options here. I would love to hear your input on them. Other thoughts and suggestions maybe as well.

Thanks for tuning in. I think I'll have a decision by the end of the day on this.

More to come soon.

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Ok so I did a couple things tonight. Not much, don't get too excited. But I made some decisions today.

So now that I've decided this was not up to my standards, it's time to do something different.


Remove it! It was obvious to me earlier that I was jumping way ahead in trying to finish this thing up. I can easily do a trim panel later and really get it all dressed up and make it look better.


So the CFV goes in the trash.


And out comes the filler primer


one coat


two coats later. We're covered and ready for some curing to sand later. I'm going to actually let this sit a couple days cause it's a little cold right now, so it'll probably take a couple days to really cure well. Not a problem, I can get on the trunk floor in the meantime.


Some of the flaws showing up in the primer. These need to be sanded. Well not really, they don't have to be, but I think for me I'll do it to make myself feel better.



So next the plan will be to sand these down a bit, and then get some black primer and some black paint on this thing. That will do me just fine until I'm ready for trim panels.


So tomorrow I'll get started on the trunk floor.

That's it tonight.

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Ok guys a little update from tonight. I managed to get out tonight for a bit to get some stuff done. Not a ton done but enough to get me jump started for tomorrow.

First, i got the amp rack base painted black. Not much, but this is what it will be until the trunk is ready for trim panels. So it's ready to be installed.



So that was this afternoon. Now onto the good stuff!

I'm stepping away from the amp rack for now, cause it's pretty much ready to go into the trunk.

I've decided the next thing to work on are the battery racks.

This is the battery that I'm using. They're small and easy to put in tight places. There will be 6 of these, 3 on each side of the trunk. So, in turn I need 6 boxes to be made.


Taking a look, the tops of these are a bit wider than the bottoms. I'll take that into account. This is the side, which isn't that much wider.


This is the front which is a bit wider than the sides.


Something to go off of for my measurements and putting it together.


The material I'm using is 3/4" angle and straight aluminum stock.



This is what I'm going to use to cut it. Little nervous about it, since I've never cut aluminum with this before. But I can't see making all these cuts with a hack saw!


Safety glasses


Long sleeves and gloves.


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