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Loud & Low 8th Gen Civic UBL #2

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Then made a pig tail and labeled it.




And there's the final product! Nice, compact and easy to place!


Compared to my wife's Motorola Razr



Time for some testing!


One closed up, one opened.


And finally a video of the testing! I wish I knew how to take a wide video on my phone but I can't figure out how. Sorry guys!


So there we go. One project done, finally! Hoping for more this weekend! We'll see what happens!

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Ok guys, I've got some good news, and I've got some news that's probably going to irritate some of you. Here goes!

So I was toying with the idea of putting the head unit down in the cubby under the HVAC controls. The issue there, was that I could not get that cubby out, and everyone told me from the civic sites, that I had to pull the dash to get it out of there! Well.................................this is my big EFF YOU!!! :jon: That's right HATERS (no Adam not you), I win! I beat that bitch into submission and she gave it up like a $2.00 hooker! (now I'm talking to you Adam! :roflmao: ) Couldn't resist!

It wasn't easy that's for sure, but for those folks who want to do this, let me see if I can show you what to do. First you have to take the radio portion of the dash out. Like you're going to replace the head unit. Now that you have that out, you can get to the two top screws on top, well SORT OF!! But I managed with a 1/4" ratchet, an extension, a 1/4" socket, and an assortment of lengths of screwdriver bits. I didn't take pics of those, but you get the idea. I taped the bits to the 1/4" socket, and that kept them from falling out of the socket and me throwing shit out of frustration!

After a half hour, mostly trying to figure out how to do it and what would fit etc, I got one screw out! WIN for me!


The second one took about 5 minutes.


I thought I was pretty victorious but was soon brought back down to earth considering where they came from. Not a very big accomplishment really! I was going to circle them but I'm on the new photobucket and it SUCKS ASS!! So anyway, it's the two points at the bottom of the picture that it looks like screws would go into. Not as easy as they look cause of the piece that's about 2 inches behind it, well it's directly behind it so I had a hard time getting anything in there.


Next it was time for the real work! Getting the bottom two screws out! First one wasn't so bad, here you can see I'm pointing to it with my finger.


3 out!


So you see the screw in this picture! Ya that wasn't the one I needed to get. I was on my back here under the dash. Thought I had the right one, silly me! This does loosen the dash piece though. But not too much.


Yeah, see this one, way up in there, where it looks almost impossible to get to. Well it pretty much was! But again, I was victorious!!





So look it wasn't that easy to get that thing out of there. First thing I'd suggest is removing the screw I showed you that goes to the dash piece, as well as the other one on the other side. Also in the head unit area, there are two nut screws that should come out as well. This will give you a little bit of slack to be able to move the dash. Next I'd highly suggest getting the 12v outlet out, and the aux input port if you have one. Then it takes some patience, twisting, pulling, moving, and more to get it out of there. It's NOT EASY! But again, I WIN!

Once I got this piece out I decided, I couldn't stand it! I had a big victory, I thought i'd make myself feel even better!

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So I got the tablet out and slapped it in!

Here's a hole that needs filled!


So I filled it!



The good feeling was gone! It turned from a good feeling to a frustrated mass of pissed off! Can you see the problem?!?


How bout now?


There's so much glare on the tablet from the angle of the tablet that it's so damn hard to see it. It's not terribly hard, but I know me, I'm going to get tired of it very very quickly!

So now I'm not feeling so sure and happy with anything. Matter of fact, at this point I was so upset with it, I was ready to stop and actually not do the tablet. Remember this is the 3rd time I've done this. Although this is the furthest I've gotten with it. But it's not going to work for me, I just know it's not. I'm not at all going to be happy with that. Not at all!

But that aside, while I had some time, I decided to start playing with placement of the head unit. That was why I took the cubby out of there in the first place! So here's what I found out!

It looks good down there, I like it! There is plenty of room for it there, but I still have to figure out how to get it to go and look like it belongs. Lots of work. I do have some support bracing to cut out though too.


Then my curiosity got the better of me! I really do like the way it looks there, but the only problem is, there's a full support piece that goes across directly behind there and that would have to be completely cut out. Not sure how I feel about that, but it may not be a big deal.


Moving on, this is what I thought about the HVAC controls again. This one isn't so bad, since I don't have my big hands in the way! But again, still going to be lots of work to make that happen.


So at the end of all that I was left very frustrated and disappointed! I now want to do the tablet over again, and stand it up more. The problem with that is that I'm going to be forced to put the HVAC controls and the Head Unit somewhere else. I can put the head unit under there in the cubby, like you saw.

The biggest task is going to be the HVAC controls. I have to make sure I'm not limited in moving them, like I was with the head unit. That's going to take some testing. Where was I looking to put those? I'm thinking in the ceiling where the dome light is, but that's going to be a complete pain, and a ton of work to get to look and fit right. I'm not sure I have it in me for that. I have to look at it some more when I'm not so frustrated, and a little more level headed!

The other areas I'm contemplating are the glove box, or the center console. Not sure those are the optimal spots.

So that's where I'm at. I'll re address it in the next couple of days when I have some rebuilt patience!

Thanks guys!

Feel free to comment or check out the behind the scenes chatter in my build log. Linked in my signature! Thanks for checking in!

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Just got some goodies! Which was very much needed after the last few days of shit, I needed some uplift!

Car went in for a heater issue yesterday. Put it on the diagnostic and they found a burnt coil and what they thought was rust in the #2 chamber and on the plug. Heater issue was that it was a half gallon low. Don't know how that happened, cause I check it a lot, but it was. So that fixed the heater issue. They did a leak down test and found nothing. They replaced the coil and plug under warranty, and found that the rust wasn't rust it was discoloration from that chamber not working or being used. I don't understand it so don't ask me. They cleaned it up, put the parts back on and it's working like a gem again! It was zippy this morning and hot! And I'd noticed even before the accident that it was sluggish, and I just chalked it up to being a civic and a 4cylinder motor. She's like new again! So that was a disaster that could have been horrible.

Job sucks, and I can't wait to get a new one.

There's been other stuff going on too. My wife's aunt died last weekend. and then her best friend lost her dad last night. Then today we found out our house hit a snag, so they're trying to work that out. Long story I don't want to talk about! SO I NEEDED SOME GOOD EFFING NEWS!!!

Well these bad boys just came in, and that's a pretty damn good start!


Opened her up and I have stickers! Stickers add dbz you know!


and further, a shirt adds even more dbz! I'm up to a 145db out of the box already and I haven't even fired her up! :roflmao:


THEN, there's the sexy!


Mmmm look at her shine! No it's not blue, that's the sticker for protection.


Man it's purdy!

Then the other box wasn't as exciting but it is exciting none the less!

Pioneer DEH-X9500BHS


I'm waiting on a few more things in the next week. 1/0 ga cable, and an XS Power D4700 battery for the front. I need to order up some techflex so that can get here. Once that's all here, I'll do the ELD bypass (ADAM I'm probably going to need some assistance with this please), the Big 3 or 4 or whatever I need to do, make some distribution blocks, and be ready to move on with the rest of the build.

I still need a damn 4th order design! Can't do anything in the trunk until that's done! I'll have to send BHE another message!

That's it for now!

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But wait there's more!! Just got some goodies from the mail man!!


Lets see who it's from!!

Hmm Skyhighaudio, what could this possibly beeeeeeeee??!!!???:peepwall:



16ga speaker cable


Sorry picture isn't very good. It says "Sky High Audio 16 Gauge Speaker Cable"


First box



Second box



And then I got on ebay and got me some of this!!!!

"Fire" Techflex


Orange Heatshrink!


Things are moving along! SO that only leaves me a battery, and a 4th order design left!

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Ok so a small update.

First the tablet design etc. I've decided to scrap what I did and start over again. I'm going to use the dash piece for strictly the tablet only. I have thought about putting my phone in there, but I highly doubt that will work. But, that will be strictly tablet.

The HVAC controls will come out of there, and go in the center console cubby, not in front of the shifter, but the cubby at the arm rest. It's almost a perfect fit, and will allow me to cut out the trim from the tablet holder I just made, and use it in there and dress it up real nice. I will also have room to still have papers, or cds, or whatever in there if I want.

Then the head unit will go in the lower cubby below the dash where I just took that pocket out. I'm currently looking for another pocket so I can cut this one up, but I'm not finding anything and I may just say EFF it and just go for it.

So that will start very soon. My plan is to get that head unit in there asap, then I can continue on with the building and do the tablet etc later.

Next, I was thinking about power and stuff. I don't know if anyone remembers but I had bought these a couple designs ago to do my own distribution and fuse blocks.


Well I was lacking a couple of tools to do it with. So I kind of dropped the idea. But while my wife was looking through the paper yesterday, I noticed the Harbor Freight circular. Then saw this!


Then I thought to myself, SELF, this was one of the tools I really wanted to do the blocks with. Do I need a heavy duty one to last me forever, or would this work! THIS WILL WORK! So I bought it!


So I've now got most of the stuff I'm going to need to do the distribution and fuse blocks. I'm excited to do it too! I really need a metal blade for my chop saw, that would help a ton, or even a 10" for my table saw too. So I'm going to still look into that! But this is a huge piece of the puzzle.

I also found someone to do a design for me. He's working on a dual 12 4th order enclosure. When I have more on this I'll post it up. We're getting closer!

House update: Should be closing today or tomorrow. Once that's done, we'll start the projects to get ready to move in. Gonna be a nightmare! But I'll be so much happier to get my family out of the hood!

That's it folks, more soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a little goodie in the mail last night. I don't wanna say it pissed me off, but it sure surprised me. We were having dinner and we've been waiting for our house to close and the keys to it, and the doorbell rang last night. NOONE ever comes over at night and this was like 6:00-6:30 or something like that. SO I jumped up thinking it was my realtor surprising us with the keys. So that's why I said that. Cause I'm growing EXTREMELY impatient on this house thing!

But alas, it was the UPS guy. Good thing it wasn't a sales man or he'd have been effed! I'da had to let Grace (my boxer) loose on his ass! Anyway, he gave me a nice little package and to my pleasure I forgot I had paid Adam for his temp gauge! And he delivered! Thanks buddy!





Nothing else new to report really. The front battery, XS Power D4700 was supposed to ship yesterday today or tomorrow. I don't know which. But it was back ordered until the 14th and Jon (Skyhighaudio) called them and they said they just got it in yesterday and would probably ship either yesterday afternoon or today or tomorrow. So at this point I'm in no rush.

The subs were shipped from florida on the 11th, and left on the 12th. I don't see an estimated arrival date, but that was 4 days ago so it should be any day that I should see them.

I emailed the guy about my design for the 4th order, and really I think that's the last thing I'm waiting on a this point.

I have everything in hand with exception of those things listed above. I have a killer new design, at least it's killer in my head, to house the head unit, hvac controls, and the volt meters. But I've had no time to get started on that. I've also had some ideas running through my head on the tablet install version whatever it is, 3 or 4. But I'll go through 100 if I have to to get it right, as you guys know!

At this point I'm in no hurry to get anything done. There's no sense in trying to start building now when I'm about to start packing up my entire house and tools etc to move. So when I get into the new house, I'll get started on the build. That's why I say no rush!

More to come.

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Ok so a couple things happened today.

First, I'm waiting on a price for the 360.3. But I'm not 100% sure I'm going to go there yet.

Second, we FINALLY go the keys to the house today! WOOHOO!


And of coarse I failed cause I was going to take pics of the shop that I'm going to be moving my stuff into, and I completely forgot. Oh well, I'll get them soon!

Then there was this. I was getting ready to walk out the door from work to go meet the Realtor at the house, and I got a call from the front desk. "The UPS guy is here, and you really aught to come up here". SO, up I went to find this!!



My first thought was AW FUCK my subs are gonna be trashed! It looks like someone dropped these things off the back of the ups truck! Then dragged them down the street! What has BROWN done for you!?!

So I had to go to the house and then came back and opened them up to see the damage. I notified the seller while I was gone to let him know what was up and he was pissed and said if there was damage to them he'll get it worked out for me etc. He was really cool about it. So I got back and opened them up to find this!

Box 1 - Styrofoam completely destroyed!


Now to see what the sub looks like, and I was afraid to open the bag up!


But to my surprise, there was no damage on the subs at all. The stuff on the upper right of the surround was already there and I knew about that. I'll get to that later.




Box #2, Box 1 had this on it as well, I just had already taken it off.


This one was very well filled and packed.


This is with the sub out! Lots of packing peanuts and noodles!


And to my surprise it was also in fine shape!


Again DAT ASS!!


The pair!



So here's the surround of the first sub. It has spray foam over spray on it. It doesn't look that terrible in person, but it does look bad. So I'm currently trying to figure out a way to clean it up. I was thinking about Great Stuff Work Wipes, and then came across this stuff called Mostenbokers Lift Off Caulk Silicone and Foam Sealant Remover.


Dre is going to be kind enough to try it on a blown sub he has and tell me if it will ruin the surround or not. I can't imagine it will, but I don't really wanna take a chance. So I'll wait to hear from him!

So that's about it for today. Only thing I'm waiting on now is the D4700.

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Just did a quick check with the dmm to make sure the coils were good etc. Does it get much better than that!?!

Sub 1 side 1


Sub 1 side 2


Sub 2 side 1


Sub 2 side 2


M2 Level 4 D1 12's with XL parts. No upgrades, but I plan on taking the push connectors off and solder the leads with some Skyhighaudio 8ga.

Still looking into trading up the 3500 and cash for a 5500 but if that doesn't happen I'll be ok with it. It'll give me something to do in the future! LOL

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