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WTB: Glidecam HD2000 or similar


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Hey SMD any videographers out there with a Glidecam their selling?

Hey, I am not sure how to run this site but I am a member on other forums such as dvxuser and newschoolers.com (newschoolers is my most active). I also have an ebay and I have a glidecam 2000 pro if you are interested. The condition of it is 9 or 9.5 out of 10 and I am currently located in the seattle area.

Email me at j.kauffman22_@_gmail.com (without the _ ) if you are interested. we could work something reasonable out and I could also get you pictures.

Thank you very much.

I understand you are new here so im going to be nice ;) Please dont try to sell anything here or offer anything for sale to you reach the minimum requirements to sell here... thank you

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