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Loud & Low 8th Gen Civic - UBL #3 - The Final Chapter - Up to date

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So I was able to get some work done yesterday. It may not seem like a lot but it was a good step forward. I got the trunk floor secured down, learned how to work with a new tool, and also made a bracket to support the floor under the battery racks. Let's take a look.

Going to start getting the floor attached and anchored to the trunk floor. I don't want to screw it to the metal because i want the ability to be able to remove it, especially while I'm in the building process, but I may need to in the future as well.


So I started by masking off the edge of the amp rack, so I could have something to write on.


I took my measurements, and wrote them on the tape, and then put the wood floor back in place. Measured out on that, and then drilled out the holes all the way through the metal.


After that I had to widen the pilot holes, to accommodate the inserts.


Using the new Quik Thread Threaded Rivet Insert Tool, I got one rivet in the hole. There is a video on this, I'm working on, and will get posted up as soon as I'm done with it, reviewing this and showing you all how to use it.


Moving on to the next hole


Got the insert in. The problem I'm having with these, and I noticed this on the second one as well, is that the threads are getting a little messed up. I don't know if this is me pulling too hard, or if I'm doing something else wrong, but I actually had to pull this one out, because the screw I put in got stuck and the insert broke loose. Then I had to break it out and start over.


Got a second one in, and here it is with the screw in it. I had to take a thread tap and clear out the threads. I'm sure, as I said, I'm doing something wrong, but I'm also a little suspect on the aluminum inserts. I think I should've bought the brass ones. I may get some more and see what that does as well. I don't think I need anymore, but I almost want to just to experiment a little bit. Moving on!


Next I drilled out the top of the board. Now I only had these screws that were 8-32 and so I just used them. They're allen head screws, and they have the big heads on them. The unfortunate part about that is I have to counter sink so far with them. I could run out and buy different ones, but these are what I have on tap, and so I just used them. They'll be fine. I also used a small washer as well, so the head of the screw wasn't the only thing holding the material down.


Got all the screws put in and secured down.



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Now I need to get this wing supported somehow. I had drilled a hole in there, but was very unsure as to how to really support it. Then I came up with an idea of an angle bracket with the aluminum I have.


So I took a sharpie and hit the top of the panel so I knew where to measure from.


Removed the floor and there's my line. So I needed to measure down the thickness of the floor.


So I used a piece of scrap from the floor cut out.


Did the same thing with the sharpie but on the bottom this time.


I had bought a couple of pieces of 1 1/2" angle aluminum for a different project, but I can sacrifice it for the use of this project. Cut a couple of pieces, one for each side.


Going to sit just like this. Now I need to drill it out.


Drilled the aluminum. Now I couldn't, because of the angle and tightness of that area, drill this while it was in place. So I had to drill this out, and then hold it up there, and mark for the inserts.


Go those drilled out and installed.


Then got it put on with allen head screws, much like the floor piece. Only these are shorter. Like I said I had a bunch on hand from another build I had planned. I'll most likely be using these throughout the build. I just like the look.


So now I need to get the top anchored down on this as well. I had planned to use an insert just like the rest of this. So I drilled the pilot hole.


Widened the panel and counter sunk it. Then I tried to put the insert in, and realized that the aluminum was too thick for these inserts, because it just kept popping out. SO I had to re evaluate.


I drilled another hole next to it.


Then tapped it out for the 8-32 screw.


Bam! Success!!


Put the panel in and secured it down. Now to move on to the second side.


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So I got both sides anchored down, but here was an issue. At the back, behind the amp rack, there's nothing to anchor too. The fuel pump is right there and I can't drill through that obviously. So, I have to figure out some way to lift these up and shim them in place.


So my first idea is to shim up where the last anchor spot is. So I took a few washers, and taped them up.


Next idea is to use some wooden inserts, and screws, and use the screws to lift the piece up. Kind of like feet on an appliance would be used to level the appliance out.


Drilled and counter sunk.


Using my bench grinder, I ground down the ends on these because they were too long. Not too long for the wood, but too long for the counter sink.


Side view.


I got them screwed in. First I did it backwards, not thinking obviously.


Got it in, and it's exactly the depth I needed. See how it's flush at the counter sink bottom.


Then realized my mistake and flipped them over and now the screws can go in.


Next the washers got CA Glued into place.



Using the screws, which I had to cut down a bit, and the washers, I was able to bring this up to where I needed it and have it be secured. Now when the enclosure is built, none of this will matter necessarily, because it will all be attached to the enclosure floor.


Now it's time to work on the other side.


I got everything set up the same way, and put the piece in place with the inserts in, but not ground off, and ended up being perfect with no screws. SO, I just left it that way. Evened them up, and now it's all good. Straight and flat.


See no screws. Worked out great.


Floor is anchored, and solid. Now it's time to deal with the battery racks.


So that's about it. As you can see on the right there, I have one of the racks in place, but not anchored. I have a couple of ideas on how to anchor it in there. Leveling the floor caused a couple of issues. For one, I have to cut out a little bit more on the top of the cubbies where the racks go, because they sit a little higher now. Not a big issue. Driver side is way worse. The passenger side fits, as you can see, but it's a tight fight. So I'll address those issues and get those anchored next.

I sent an email over to Ryan at RAM Designs, thanks Kevin for helping me out with that, and am having him look at my design and the numbers etc to see if I'm good to go. If not, I'll get a new design from him, and get to building. I don't want to have to make 3 or 4 enclosures to get things right. I want to do this once, and get it done right.

So lots to come in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

For comments and suggestions please visit my build log which is linked in my signature.

For quicker updates, visit my Facebook page, also linked in my signature.

Thanks for checking this out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So here are the pics I was going to put up the other day. It's been a rough couple days. Not the way I pictured my vacation going. But I'm hoping that things will look up here very soon. I think I'm back in the right direction, and as soon as parts come in, I'll be back at it on the power portion. Pics.

Some of the equipment for this install, as well as some other stuff. Got a new belt, a clamp meter, XS Power D4700 Battery, and a Singer Alternator.


D4700 ready for a charge. Been sitting for a while


Singer 185A High Output Alt! Sexy!



Pre work numbers. See the video for more numbers. It dropped after this and I never was able to get it to rest above 11.6v after this.


Highest clamp I got was 67.6A. This was the headlights, highs, heater full bore, and all 4 window switches pulled. No system to see a draw that way, but this is about what I could pull out of the stock alt.


Stinger SPP1200. Been a good little battery, but it's time to go.


The cage that came with it. I'd love to have one of these built for my D4700. That'd be sweet. Drop in and done.


I'm going to try and either get this mount out, or build something on top of it so I can have a little more sturdy mount and a way to hold the D4700 down.


Oem Alt. Getting everything unbolted.


The orientation of it all.


This is where I skipped a few steps. I had a hell of a time getting the tensioner to work properly. Come to find out, there was a problem. A bolt had sheared off, not allowing the tensioner to move the belt. I didn't find this out until I removed the bolts to the alt and then pried off the old belt. Wasn't worried about it cause I have a new one to go on.


This bracket is what holds the tensioner's hydraulic part on, and that is what broke. The black mess you see is from the bushing that was destroyed.


Bolt sheared off inside the bracket.


Hydraulic tensioner, pulling the bushing out.


bushing is in bad shape! I stopped there. I've ordered new parts, new bracket, new tensioner, bolts, and another part that doesn't pertain to the install, but I had a cracked piece for the radiator fluid to the block. It had a crack in it. So that's it for now. Parts are on a 2 day shipping so should be here tomorrow or Friday and I'll be back at it.


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Some pics from today's work.

No sign of the UPS guy today, so hopefully tomorrow.

First things first, I got some more new tools. I picked up the Kreg Jig set a while back, but I'm finally getting to use it. Also picked up some big clamps, some corner clamps, some counter sinks (2 different kinds). Also some screws.


Got my laptop up and running. Who needs a printout of the design when you can just pull up drop box and have it right there.


3/4" birch up and ready for some magic.


First I decided to re do the floor. With the pieces that are in there, separated in the middle of the back, it made for an uneven surface. SO I wanted it to be one piece under the enclosure. It was figured in the plan. So I got this piece cut for that.


Next I put a cleat in where the enclosure baffle was going to sit at. Then measured back to where I was going to end the enclosure. I actually gave it extra room.


Then I traced the spot where it was to go, and screwed the existing pieces to the new piece so I could cut out the middle.



I wanted the new cut to extend over the amp rack. This was part of the plan as well, but you'll see later it didn't work out as I wanted it to. But it'll still work. In order to get 1 1/2" space I had to improvise a tool to mark it.


Works perfectly.


Got it all traced out, and now it's time to cut it.


Drilled out the holes for the existing anchor points too. While it was screwed together.


Cut the Driver side


Then the passenger side.


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Then it was time to do the new piece.


Just took my time with a jig saw. What I'll need to do now it router out that 1 1/2" I just added, because the amp rack is too thick and doesn't allow the piece to sit all the way down.


But I also wanted to anchor down the amp rack as well. I didn't want it to just float like it was.


Drilled some holes for mounting points.


Drilled out the metal, being careful that I'm not going through the tank or something. There is a shield under there thankfully! So while I need to be careful, there is a back up for that.


Got all the inserts in.


Then screwed it down. Now it's anchored down and won't go anywhere. I may pull it back up before all is done and get some more deadener down there.


Time to get the 1 1/2" routered out. Started off with a rabbet bit.


Ready to go.


All done.


Finished it off with a regular cut out bit.


Fits well.


Took out a little too much.


Got the other pieces back in. Also added a couple of anchor points to support the seam between the three pieces.


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Moved on to the enclosure build. Not much to see, but I got the front baffle and the floor done.


Sides cut and mounted. All of this is getting dry fitted first. I'll come back with the glue later when it's time to put it in the trunk permanently. Well semi permanently, cause well, nothing is permanent in this hobby is it!?! LOL


Finally getting to use the Kreg Jig. This thing is pretty sweet!!! I have a video I'll post later of me showing how I did this.


All the holes done. For both sides.


Top cut and ready for mounting.


Finally using my new clamps. This will keep things tight so I can screw it together.


Then I couldn't help myself so I put it together in the trunk. I did find out something cool though, only after I put it together in there though. I can put it in there, and build it outside. However, with the baffle on, it won't fit. So I'll build it and complete it outside the trunk, then put the baffles and the back panels on inside the trunk.


Just a little test fit where it's going to sit. I'll be doing a trim panel all around it to seal it off.


From the front seat. Had to center it, which I'm happy about where it's at. I now have a couple of ideas for the right side.


That was all I could get done today. So more soon I'm hoping. I don't think I'll get much done tomorrow, and I don't know what the weekend holds. But I'm making progress and I'm happy about this.

For comments and suggestions, or to just see the behind the scenes chatter, check out my build log which is linked in my signature.

For faster updates, check out the Facebook Page, also linked in my signature.

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Ok here we go. Progress from yesterday. I actually did a couple of things at once. Let's get started.

First I Pulled the trim panel off the rear deck. Lots of gaps to fill when I'm done. Like the speaker holes, center seat belt hold (which I removed a long time ago), the rear light hole, etc.


Put the enclosure back in, and get a measurement on the distance between the deck and the enclosure top.


Doing some math, I estimated about 4 panels, 3/4" with a 1/2" recess on them, equals 3". So something like that. I may add a fifth to bring it to a nice level with the trim panel. Adding a little bit to play with, I came up with a panel that was 13" wide by 12" deep. This will give me a flange to screw it down with as well.


So I got that cut to use as a template.


Next I removed the deadener from the area where the deck was going to be cut. By now I'm nervous about cutting this by the way! Having second thoughts.


But I continued prepping it. Taped off the area for a better view of the lines etc. Then centered the panel where it's supposed to be and marked it with a sharpie.


Removed the template and it's ready for cutting.


View through the back window. When all this is done, I'll be getting the windows re-tinted. FINALLY! I'm actually happy I don't have it tinted now, cause I'm sure I'd have already scratched up the tint.


Then these had to go.


This is a bit dangerous! So be careful if you're doing this. But I was able to get them out without any injury.


Just this plastic bracket left to remove . Could've left it in, because it's in what's getting cut out. But I did it anyway.



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Then I just said EFF IT and this is the carnage! Not turning back now! The dead has been done!


Here's what's left. Like I said before, I have lots to fill in when it's all said and done. But I'll address that later.



Now back to the enclosure. Time to build a port! Decided to use the finish nailer for this one. Smaller holes, less work to finish.


Glue is a must though.


This is the inside part of the port.


Time to add a center wall.


Whoops. Miss measured. Good thing I noticed it before I nailed it. Not sure how that happened. LOL


Glue and Nails. Done!


Added some 45's for air flow.


Let's round stuff over! Found out doing this that I needed a new roundover bit.


Damn, now I have some sanding and filling to do.


Got the sides on. Still needs trimming.


Jig saw to get it close.


Followed up with the flush trim bit.



Equals sexy finish!



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