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Posts posted by Karkov

  1. I remember the speedway in west lafayette as low as .99 cents back in 2000/2001 and well over 4 a few years ago

    Anyone else notice the payphone sign bittom right?

    I noticed the payphone sign as well, they still exist but Very rare. I remember driving to highschool in say 1996-97 and one time saw it hit 0.98 but otherwise it has been over 1.00+ for me my whole driving time

    EDIT: I remember after 9/11 it spiked right away to $1.68 and that was crazy high and people thought there would be gas shortages again so there was lines of cars in the streets trying to get into gas stations around here. Now I would give anything for 1.68 gas, lol

  2. XS won't take it back

    I bought it BNIB from a member here. Voltage on it resting and charging was fine, thought the inside was still intact and planned on using it, never used it. Not even sure if they would take it back given all the circumstances. Maybe should have checked but I am just sick of dealing with shit lately. Already got new one on order. Thanks for the concern/idea though. =)

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