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Posts posted by Karkov

  1. I ordered a D3100 and it was sitting on my front step for a day in the cold. Do they come charged? or will I need to get a charger on it.

    They basically come charged BUT, it is recommended to top them off before install always. Sitting for a day on your step is nothing, it could have been sititng in storage for 6 months before even shipping to you, just saying.

    But yea, everyone tops them off before install. It is recommended as well

  2. I hate the probable cause laws. See it all too often where when you refuse they come up with something that they think is enough to let them search, just like in your case. They ask because they have to but they end up doing it anyways which is bullshit.

    Here in MN they are supposed to have probable cause just to pull you over. Well if you aren't doing anything wrong they make shit up like, one time I was pulled over and the lady cop was like "yea, i saw you swerving back there" and I know for an absolute fact that I was not, I do not cause trouble, I do not break the law, I have very minimal traffic tickets and from like 6-7+ years ago (speeding, no DUI or anything like that) pretty much without sounding high on myself, I am what society wants me to be like. Even so it is frustrating to be pulled over like that so I can only imagine if it continued to happen.

    Oh and I didn't end up getting a ticket, or out of the vehicle, nor did she want to search my vehicle on that one. I think she more just wanted to see what I was up to or if she was to smell illegal drugs (I do not do ANY illegal drugs nor do I smoke tobacco or vape) or if she could smell booze or see in plain site something illegal or check if I had license or or or or. Either way amounted to nothing but it's bullshit that you can be pulled over in a state for doing nothing when they are supposed to have probable cause.

    I was driving down Main street mid-evening of a town with 15k people.......

  3. Because the hospital we went to is fairly new, it's supposed to be all modern and nice and shit. Center of the building is where they have all the staff services and supplies, outside is all the rooms and it's glass from sidewalk to roof. Makes for some cool floor to ceiling glass walls, even in the bathrooms. The design is etched into the glass so it's not super bright direct sunlight and help filter the light.


    Girls are tuckered out from the event.


    Docs said it is just a virus, blood/urine/spinal samples were all negative for anything serious and sent us home. Wife has to take a sample into the docs Monday to have tested again for something else, possible renal something something disease, but that is unrelated to the symptoms she was having. Hopefully 2nd test comes out right. At least she's home.

    Glad to hear it. =)

  4. the light will flicker sometimes when turning the gain up. Ignore that and wait for it to become solid. As for the 4 channel, try the negative terminal. Sometimes that is the problem on 4 channels.

    The distortion light would never come on fully to show distortion, just randomly flash when turning the gain and never at the same point. I could turn the gain all the way up with out the light fully coming on to show distortion

    same thing happened to me but might just not be enough voltage going to the amp. Also, as Steve said the light will come on and off while turning up the gain and NOT at the same point as YOU stated. Says that right in the manual. maybe i missed it but what equipment are you using? Line driver needed perhaps? You got the manual for the DD-1 correct?

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