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Everything posted by bigarsenal

  1. okay. theres nothing wrong with over powering subs if you set the amps right righ?
  2. they are 2000 a piece. i was just wondering thats all
  3. think it will work i have a upgraded electrical system
  4. hell yeah. want to go bad as hell
  5. i have two arsenal 15s they recomended 750rms but i know they can handle more i seen pete k put a hifonics colosues on two of the older model avalanche. i have one bxi2006 running both. do you think it would be alright if i add another bxi2006. so both subs will have its own amp. what you guys think? :^
  6. I have 2 RF t112d4's and a t10001bd amp. Or is mine tooo weak. should be good. you have 12s can they handle some lows
  7. im trying to get up there. i might have to work :^
  8. yeah i saw pete from team toxic bass has ascendant audio subs in his axiom and damn those things look like they slam thats why i got the arsenals cause i seen them in his truck on ROE. im trying to get the ascendant audio name out there :^ :^
  9. right :^ them arsenals arent nothing nice them things slam
  10. all okay. are them cvx's pretty loud. i was looking at them
  11. hell yeah that was me i had some kickers a long long time ago. :^ What kind of system you got
  12. i stay in western hills,cincinnati you say you stay near kenwood mall thats a great spot to meet :^ :^
  13. sorry man for skipping you wasnt paying attention
  14. who ever is from the 513 and wants to hear my truck hit me up. or even close :^
  15. sorry guys but i thought i said, "sorry 3.5cu per sub".
  16. i stay in cincinnati,ohio and i am a basshead and we have no bassheads down here. for example i have two arsenal 15's in a 19cu box and a brutusbxi @ .5 ohms. all the guys down here dont know companys like ascendant audio. DD. And FI audio all they know is kicker and mtx. and if they have more subs they are louder. this guy had 4 15in subs 2mtx 7500 and 2kicker cvx and he couldnt understand why my **** was louder than his. oh he has a audiotek amp rack. he has a chevy caprice and i have a chevy tahoe he kept saying all you have a truck. i know i have more air space but he dont know its all in the box. i tried to tell him he said naw naw i need to get all kicker cvx and i will shut you down. i only know a couple bassheads. even the custom car places and stereo places dont know ****. if your from cincinnati please come out i need my bass family :'( :'( :'( :'(
  17. this is on the young dro album. must get "MAN IN THE TRUNK" hits hard so if you have a weak setup dont even play this :^
  18. i understand. i was thinking they did this because they knew they was gonna drop before ps3. so now they can top what ever the ps3 puts out
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