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Posts posted by Charger

  1. So after my last wall, two DD 9915s in a Volvo 240 Station wagon had some issues, it was time to start fresh! I wanted to build something that I could go all out on, something big, loud and almost over the top.

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    Scanned the newspapers for a few weeks, looking for a good van or perhaps my ideal available car, Isuzu Trooper 2 door long wheel base. This car is good for a wall. It's cheap, square and has a large cargo area which is flat on the floor.. The 'B' pillar is 'thick'. The front doors are very short and the windscreen is very flat. The roof has big channels in it which add strength to stop flexing. Let the hunt begin!

    Okay so a quick trip to 'Koondoola', a right ghetto to look at an advertised car. One Holden Jackaroo, faded red, two door long wheel base petrol motor for $1600. After some quick negotiations (waving cash around desperate seller's faces seems to change their minds fast :) ) and we had a deal struck, $1100.

    This car is identical to the Isuzu Trooper and never really sold well in Australia, with much more feirce 4WDs easily available in Aust, they never really had a purpose.

    Here's how it looked the afternoon I got her home.

    Humble beginnings they say.

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    I broke the windscreen on the way home, slammed it with my fist saying to a friend "Wow this thing will flex really easily!" and the damn thing cracked all the way across. Damn. :P

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  2. Whats more fun is.When at a red light play something fairly low,just loud enough to were somebody can feel it/hear it but not loud enough for them to know where it is coming from.

    The look on there face just trying to find where its coming from is great.

    20Hz mate.

    Absolute crackup when they can't workout why their roof and windows are rattling and shaking but they can't hear nothin or where it's coming from :D :D

  3. Ran my 9915 off 5000wrms on music and it loved it. Really shone. If you go for the latest series 9500 series woofer it should have no drama handling serious power. The benifit I can see with the DD gear is it is actually available in Australia. The BTL would be rather difficult to get ahold of.

    Your Patrol could be a good SSNW car, is it a Shorty or LWB?

  4. I'm telling ya sign up to mobileelectronics.com.au and check out the forums trading section. You can pick up tonnes of second hand DD gear in Aus there ridiculously cheap and you're guaranteed it to be loud as FUCK! They also also sound great. For great value batteries definitely hit up Absorbed Power, they have sizes from ones you can fit in the palm of your hand all the way up to ones that need two blokes to lift them! And they are all hi quality AGMs!

  5. Are you a member of MEA? There are plenty of brands that have great gear right on your doorstep that have already come from the U.S. 110dB is quiet as hell, I roll around in a 150+ daily driver and it's not even loud.

    Join up to the MEA forums are you will get alot more relevant help about what actually is available in our country (No offense to you SMD guys, you do a kickass job!!)

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