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Posts posted by sdrawkcaB

  1. We're getting some soon (well my little brothers and sister in 4h and FFA are) Yeah I took ducks to the fair when I was in highschool too.... Don't laugh, its good money lol

    So yeah, we'll have like 24 baby ducks soon. </farmer in ohio>

  2. rockford amps of coarse. but jl subs on sq. and rf subs for spl.. all in what you want man


    But I have 2 12" P3 RF Punch's in the Nova, and I love them. I've heard the RF T1 and T2's, and they are even better if you have the power. I've only heard JL once, but I didn't have anything bad to say about them.

    And RF amps ftw.

  3. I've been around car loud audio for about 5 years but I have been DJing in the clubs for almost 7 now, and I think that my hearing hasn't changed at all. But if it has, it's not enough for me to notice and I doubt its becuse of the low frequency car systems, but its the higher frequencies I hear in the clubs for long hours at a time.

    Granted its only been 7 years and I dont notice it, but who knows, maybe it will get worse the longer I'm involved.

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