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Everything posted by Syphlyn

  1. Anyone got this "magical" number. Everywhere I look I keep hearing different answers. Wish sundown had this info on their website. I've heard everything from 0.12 and 0.14 to 0.2 and 0.25. Anyone? Edit: Bryan said it's 0.2 and he's 100% sure...I asked twice haha.
  2. I read something on your facebook that all Zv4s are made in house now. So does that mean it won't have a bolted surround? I'm ordering it through SSA if that makes any difference.Thanks for the reply. All Z v.4s that are not still IN STOCK from factory units are being built here by hand; there are still some factory units out there in stock at dealers and in our warehouse. All of which should be the bolted-on units by now. But if we build it it doesn't have the bolt-on clips as it doesn't need it. They are added to factory units as an added measure of security as the factory glues are not the same as ours. Thanks Jacob for the replies.
  3. I read something on your facebook that all Zv4s are made in house now. So does that mean it won't have a bolted surround? I'm ordering it through SSA if that makes any difference. Thanks for the reply.
  4. I'm reading into picking one of these up, I already ordered the X12 but I'm going to switch it up for a Zv4 12. Anyways not here to debate that. I'm having people tell me Sundown had issues with the surrounds coming off and the spiders coming undone/ripping apart. Have all these issues been corrected and I should be safe if I place an order for a Zv4 12 tomorrow? Thanks edit: do the new Zv4s come with the bolted on surround support? Here's a pic off Sundowns FB: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/s851x315/1535634_596180043770804_807771388_n.jpg
  5. I meant I knew people who had some really shitty subs which would go even louder then mine. After my gains are set properly my subs sounded like what I expected them to sound like. If that makes sense.
  6. Thanks for the reply Steve, was hoping you'd read this.
  7. Those look excellent might just pick up one of those. Probably will have to be the second fancy one as I can't fit anything more behind my Head unit.
  8. I'll also be adding a volt meter which is run off the remote wires. So relay is the way to go for sure? Are they hard to wire in?
  9. Yup, you could add a switch to the remote, and turn it on or off before KEYING the power. It is VERY very common. Google Shut off POP or something... its very common. Where can I get a relay. I'm aware of what they do but are they pricey?
  10. The turn on? From my headunits remote wire. I spliced into it using my 16 gauges OFC wire. and ran it back to the amp. The pop only happens when turning OFF my power not on. Also running a second amp (PDX-F4) off the same run. So I have 1 remote run from my HU going to the 2000D and then from there a shorter 16 gauge wire from the 2000D to my PDX-F4. Should I be concerned and try to fix it even though I'm not sure how.
  11. Hey guys, Just wanted to say I bought this thing just to have it around and to help friends and myself. I had a local guy helped me (with his DD1) with my amp (MRP-M1000) a year or two ago set my gains. He apparently didn't know what he was doing and told me my max HU setting was 32. My gain was turned 1/4 way up and my Sub level setting was 10/15 (0-15 are the choices). I was having issues with certain frequencies not being very loud and sometimes it would be quiet while loud at other times. I just figured my amp was going bad. I ran my new RCAs (I previously tried new ones and they did nothing but I wanted new ones for the new setup) and used my DD1 figuring out my HU clips at 31 thus making 30 my new max volume. So I guess I was sending a dirty signal all this time, now i'm kinda pissed at that idiot who previously set them for me. My sub level is now 15/15 and my gain is just over half and I must say NOW they sound like 2 12s should and they sound much better, not sure how else to describe it. Despite my subs being I'd say 2-3 times louder and cleaner my amp gets NOWHERE near as hot as before. I guess I got lucky my subs were set so low before. I figure they were clipping the whole time from the HU but luckily my gains were set so low I don't think it seriously harmed my amp or subs as they sound amazing today and still kick. Amp and subs are over 4 years old and I purchased them two years ago for $500. I'm selling them now to my brother and upgrading to a SAZ-2000D and an X12 woofer in a custom box hoping to hit the lows and be loud! Just wanted to say what a great product this is and at least to me it's worth the $150 bucks not to mention it's super noob friendly so I can teach some friends how to do it as I refuse to set their gains myself and 6 months down the road their power locks stop working and it's my fault. Thanks!!
  12. How about the pop when I turn my key off? Is that normal too? Could it be from only using 4 gauge, mind you I was running it at 2 ohm which is apparently 1k watts. Edit: Yeap the DD1 showed clipping at the exact moment the buzzing started. Thanks man! Good to know was worried for a bit.
  13. Yeap I'm aware it's 1-2 years old. He was a rep (I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere) and he used it for a year in his vehicle before upgrading. I should have mentioned it was used for a year. Yeah it's discontinued. It makes sense though if you have a 1500 and a 2500 there's really no point in a 2k.
  14. Hey guys, I bought a Sundown SAZ-2000D amp off caraudio classifieds from someone with over 30 excellent reviews and is apparently a former Sundown Rep (I think I saw it somewhere, I could be mistaken). The amp is 1 year old and is in perfect physical condition. It was packaged extremely well using newspaper and about 15 cloths. Box had no damage to it and there's no dings or anything from transport. Anyways I threw it in my truck today with intentions on setting the gain and throwing it on my Type Rs on a 2 ohm load. I then plugged my DD1 into the amp (Pos into speaker out and neg onto ground). I Was setting the amp with my HU on 30/35 volume, where it doesn't clip according to the DD1. I used the 40hz - 5db tone and I noticed while setting the gain the moment the distortion light appeared on my DD1 I could hear a faint buzzing noise coming from the amp. As soon as I backed off and the light went off and the buzzing disappeared. I then played my amp at my set my volume and it sounded great. To clarify I did disconnect my subs from the amp before using the DD1 and my truck was off. I should also mentioned I just used my 4 gauge wiring I have running through my truck for this test on two ohms/setting the gain quickly. I do have full 1/0 gauge OFC wiring for when I actually get my X12 subwoofer and have my box built. This test was to make sure it works after receiving the item. Also when I turn my truck off from the accessory position I hear a light pop while the amp turns off. Is this anything to be concerned about or is it normal in bigger amps. This is my first amp over 1k watts. Previously I had and still have an Alpine MRP-M1000. Thanks guys!
  15. Hey guys, I originally posted something similar on another subforum here, but just discovered this place and figured the answers here would be better so here we go: 1) I have a PAC-LC1 I'm going to wire into my sub amp. The RCAs go from my Headunit to the PAC-LC1 then another set of RCAs go from the PAC-LC1 to the sub amp. Do I just connect the RCAs that come out of the PAC-LC1 into the DD1? I plan on having the PAC-LC1 turned all the way up when figuring out the max HU volume so I can no way "over crank" the amp. 2) When doing the HU thing, should I be using the 0 db tones? 3) When setting my amps, I have a sub amp and a 4 channel. I attach the SMD DD1 cables with the black one to the amp ground and the red probe into the positive speaker outputs, correct? 4) On the multichannel amp which positive speaker output do I put the probe in? There's four of them, does it matter? I plan on using the -10db tone for my sub amp and the -5db tone for my 4 channel would that be okay? Thanks
  16. Those are brand new woofers? And they aren't the "B" stock ones? EDIT: I want brand new, not B stock if anyones confused.
  17. Hey guys, is there any places where I could order an X12 from. I live in Canada but will be driving down to the states to pick it up. What online retailer is the best for speed and service? So far I've discovered woofersect.com which seems decent. Any suggestions?
  18. Not really sure what that is, but will I run into issues like that? Or is that mainly a thing on newer vehicles?
  19. Thinking of buying a MechMan G series 240A alt for my 2000 F150. I keep seeing all these posts with issues relating to charging voltage and regulators. On my vehicle am I going to run into any of these problems or is it too old to have the "regulators" I keep hearing about? Truck is a 2000 F150 XLT extended cab 4.6L V8. Maybe I'm completely wrong but I just want to make sure before I spend $350 + shipping. Thanks!
  20. I'm just saying their website for information and specs is lacking. They have great customer service. I'm just trying to get the right ones. It's not mentioned whether their amps RCAs are the single ended or the differential input. well i haven't yet watched that video and i don't know the difference between the two. but i'm running the same exact rcas that you bought on 3 of my sundown amps and they all work just fine. Okay excellent that's what I wanted to know! Also this is a pure nooby question but in my amps pics I don't see "color guides". Does the red RCA usually go on the bottom while the black goes on the top?
  21. I'm just saying their website for information and specs is lacking. They have great customer service. I'm just trying to get the right ones. It's not mentioned whether their amps RCAs are the single ended or the differential input.
  22. Already saw that video and I have no idea what is required for my amp. Sundown is really lacking on the descriptions and specs on their equipment at least on their website.
  23. Okay I noticed this amp doesn't have the markers on the RCA inputs. Does the red usually go on the bottom with the black/white on the top? Does it not matter?
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