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Posts posted by bolanorthhighlands

  1. 15 hours ago, SnowDrifter said:

    More responsive makes sense. If you reduce the length and/or velocity(by increasing diameter) there's less inertia to overcome.

    Most stock air boxes have silencers of sorts so you don't hear the individual intake strokes or hiss of the throttle plate

    Oh ok. I thought the transmission was causing the whole car to vibrate. My car shakes like crazy while idling. I can go 80 on the freeway and there's no crazy shaking like I've experienced from unbalanced wheels. But when I'm idling and taking off in first gear my car just kinda shakes to get going. Stupid crazy rattling while idling. I can't say it shakes switching from 1st gear to 2nd(or switching any other gears). Only when I'm idling and going from nothing into 1st gear. Doesn't really shake on the freeway

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