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Posts posted by bolanorthhighlands

  1. My friend had slap in 10th grade behind the seat. He had a small flat bed truck with a stick in it. That's how I got hooked on 3 six mafia. I think two tens. I dont know what kinda subs or amp.

    But the first sub I heard that made me fall in love with bass??
    I was fresh out of high school. I didn't have a car until 2004 after I graduated high school. I threw some house speakers in the trunk and tried to wire up a head unit. My house speakers in the trunk didn't slap. My friend that was still in high school said I need a amp. He taught me how to hook up power from the car battery to the trunk. He told me I need ground, remote, & rcas. I had real 12s but I don't remember which ones.
  2. My first stereo came with the "adventures of slick rick" cd. One of those boom boxes with the radio, two tape players, one CD player, and a couple removable speakers. The tape player could record music. I would record all my favorite songs onto a tape and listen to tapes. I got that stereo & cd for Christmas when I was little. 9 years old slappin slick rick

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