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Posts posted by jizazz12

  1. thanks to every one who chimed in on this i really appreciate it, the well in my car isn't round at all it's more of a horse shoe shape with allot of dips and dives so i think what I'll do is just frame it out the best i can and go from there. never really worked with fiber glass be for so this is going to be interesting.

  2. just tore out my old system and am getting ready for my new build, I'm getting ready to build a encloser for two d.c. lvl4 15's . my car is a 2005 Hyundai sonata don't have a lot of room width wise in the trunk so i will be incorporating the spare tire well into my sub box . what is the best way for getting a good idea of getting the cubic foot measurement of air space inside the well? i think i read on here that the best way is to use a one cubic foot box of styro foam peanuts and just count how many it takes to fill up the well is this right ?

  3. if you are only running one amplifier to push your subs and that is working fine than you need to pull out your Head unit and check the harness,it's not probable that you knocked all the speaker wires loose it's more likely that something inside the radio came loose but you need to check for any loose connections be for assuming this .

  4. you should be o.k. for a now but you should do the big three if nothing else, not sure what car you have but let me tell you it makes a big difference. upgrading your electrical even if your just doing the big three allows your electrical system to work allot easier and also makes things easier on your amp/amps just an all around good idea.

  5. x2 to what was mentioned above, a four channel amp is the way to go in your case and there are plenty well built four channel amplifiers by different manufactuers , there not that expensive and don't demand allot from your charging system. your next option would be to buy a better head unit that gives you more power from it's speaker outputs, some radios give you 25 watts or more but they are costly.

  6. doing a build for two dc lvl3 15's d4 coils , i have two fosgate p-550's that i was going to use but i forgot to ask rusty for the 2 ohm coils . i was going to use one amp on each sub but thats that. anyway the build is for a friend of mine and now he is in need of an amp to run the15's, was looking at some of the hifonics amps and the power acoustic just not real familiar with them haven't used them be for personally and he's on a budget so does anyone have recommendations?

  7. hey everyone need some help on multi amp hook ups. I'm in the works of a new build and my question is regarding how to hook up a second four channel amp for my kicks and front doors my system consists of 1 Jl 300/4,1 Jl 454/4 and 2 Jl 1000/1's. . now i know i can use a y splitter on the sub amps but what do i do for the four channel amps? can i use a splitter on them as well or is there a preamp of sorts that i can buy to just plug everything into and run them from there.I am using a pioneer premier prs 880 for my head unit it pretty much handles all cross over tasks and equalization tasks , any advice or help would be appreciated.

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