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Posts posted by jizazz12

  1. Getting ready to do my doors, I have an 07 Impala and going to make my first attempt at fiberglassing some panels. I am looking to put an 8" and a 6.5 component set in each door. I'm using a crescendo 1000/4 on my mids and i have a crescendo 3kwp on two DC 15's in my trunk, just was wondering what to look for in a good 8 inch mid speaker not looking to break the bank but want something thats going to give me good sound. I'm open for any advice or suggestions so please feel free to give me your impute. I know that most if not all pro audio speakers are 8 ohm so if i need to run two 8's and separate tweets to get the sound i'm looking for I would defiantly consider that option and just run active and do away with the 6.5's thanks.

  2. I was just talking about this very subject yesterday with some of my co workers all i can say is wow, memories i wouldn't trade my child hood for anything. I look at my son who likes to do nothing more than live on his ps3 and i ask him, don't you want to go outside, why don't you go shoot some hoops or go fishing his response to me is, i will later but later never seems to come around. honestly i am glad that i'm not a kid now a days so many nutty people and not to mention a lot of the things i used to do as a kid you couldn't do now if you wanted to anyway like i said i wouldn't change my child hood days for nothing.

  3. i'm 40 and myself like some of the others have been into car audio since i was a teenager in some way shape or form, i enjoy it more now than i did when i was younger. for some it's just not there cup of tea, as for me it just keeps getting more interesting with the technological advancement of equipment and fabrication. your parents were just probably never into car audio so they have a different outlook on things and as said before they probably think you could be doing better things with your money.

  4. I amplanning on running 4 DC XL18s and want to run around 2k rms to each. Let me know what amps you would use in this situation. Need opinions so I can plan more of my electrical to better suit the amps I will use. So far I am torn between sundown, AQ, and DC (when they are available).

    any of these amplifiers will do nicely, pick the one that you think is best and run with it.

  5. yea i can get some made to sell and ill have to look into the older two pin connectors. you got pictures? Also for the long term affect there shouldn't be any dur to Gm components being able to handel high voltage but if your worried the dial model coming next could help keep your worries down

    well i have 2007 Chevy impala 3.5 l v6, if you all come up with something for my car i would be interested in purchasing. what are you thinking of pricing these out at? i looked into the vcm and missing link and neither company make a module for my car. i guess the newer vehicles electrical is controlled a little different than the older ones, so i'm defiantly interested. my car has a two pin two wire plug not the four pin plug like the older models have.

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