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Everything posted by bumassjeff

  1. ya well i thought i had it worked out but was reading it all wrong :-\ go me heh oh well ill just suck it up and deal with it i suppose
  2. haha i would but i didnt get it from Fi i got it from ernesto off of here lol
  3. ok well i have my 18'' Fi Btl on its way to my house now i need a box for it.... it will be going into a 2000 mazda protege es and the only thing i can really think of doing is along the lines of this pic..... and the only real way to accomplish this is to build the box in my trunk...and helpful hints on how to do this? i know to use 2 x 2s but just unsure of how well they will hold everything together. the max measurements i can do in my trunk is 35W 21D and 17H these are all external measurements. so please if anyone has any suggestions please toss them in im open to anything as of right now thanks alot!! i couldnt stop laughing at this picture i made for some reason like how i pointed out the obvious haha.
  4. haha i work at bestbuy and trust me those installers are nothing but fucking retards ive heard tons of bad things about them! i personally wanna work in the bay just so i can redirect everyone to my house or something and tell them ill install it for cheaper and better :-P lol
  5. Hmmm looks like ill have to do some searching for that kicker 2500.1 seems like you all think it would be my best option
  6. ya btl was just purchased yesterday
  7. how much do those sundown 1000d's cost??
  8. what amp would be recomended to power a fully loaded 18'' Fi Btl with 1 DVC??
  9. :-D thats what i told him to do was check out the SX's
  10. i say you should stop being a bitch and get an 18 :-P
  11. GAH! DD got sold now i hope i can at least get ahold of the BTL before its sold :-\
  12. haha man ill take it off of his hands as soon as he give me the go and his paypal :-P
  13. hello?? im willing to pay the full 500 for it if it is still available!
  14. Oo theres one in tampa? ill go when and where to be exact?
  15. haha umm i would of but i already have the box built :-P but you can expect videos when i get it hehe
  16. :-D now if i can just get a responce out of the seller of the DD ill buy it today lol....
  17. :-D thanks i was kinda already leaning more toward the DD in the first place too
  18. im stuck between a DD 9518 or a Fi Btl 18'' any one i should lean towards more??
  19. ok stratus ill take it for 500 shipped pm your paypal and you will have the cash today ok
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