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Everything posted by Kronickush420

  1. Hey I'm new to band pass building and am attempting to build a 4th or 6 order band pass for my 1986  Toyota Van wagon, I'm trying to use winISD but I'm not exactly sure how to use it or what kind of graph I am looking for. I'm also not sure why but the graph appears to be in negative decibels? The blue is the 6th and the red is the 4th.


    1. WalledSonic


      There is wayyyyyy to much to explain to get you up to speed.  You need to read a lot more so that you understand the data.  There are countless tutorials if you search google, please start there and let us know if you have design questions related to your specific setup.  It doesnt make sense to run a design if you dont yet understand the fundamentals of whats going on.

      Theres also a strong chance the TS Parameters werent entered correctly (for a variety of reasons) and that will invalidate any data you produce.

      Did you intend to design a parallel 6th?  Thats an acceptable decision, but parallel 6ths are much less popular than series 6ths so I'm wondering if you purposely chose the parallel 6th or are you running that since series 6ths werent an option in WinISD.

      I like that youre making an attempt to DIY, but you'll need to get yourself caught up so that we can have a productive discussion.

      EDIT: also post a visual of your TS Parameter inputs and the webpage you got the values from.

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