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Everything posted by Basshead199789

  1. I have same amp running a set of spx65c rn ans no noise have it all ran with certified basshead rcas splitters and a illestaudio rca splitter box. Sometimes when i get my rca and converter box close to power lines ill get a intwrference but i have my amp deck set up to keep things a little spread apart. Also i am running 1/0 guage into ground and power of skar rp 150 with 4gauge adapters
  2. Update. Speaker insane. Box needing improvement but sounds good. And this..... lol no biggie buddy has the glue xD
  3. Im hoping alt not issue has i am driving a 3500 dodge pickup and why i also got the d3400 for backseat ik the nightshade gunna make the sae3000 thirsty snd ive gpt the skar ofc 1/0gauge to wire it up. Also just ordered dd1 plus hopin its helpful af
  4. Starting a new build. Leaving my rp1200.1d and skar zvx 8 in the dust and have just got in my sae3000d sundown amp, nsv3 10 sundown sub, xs power d3400 battery, 3000 watt ofc skar wiring kit, getting ready to build a box this weekend any recomendations or snything else i should get. Also have a new set of the skar ts65 kit or whatever it is has 2 mids and 2 tweeters, also got a skar rp150.4ab to power them.
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