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Posts posted by raymo2u

  1. 1 hour ago, 1point21gigawatts said:

    Take that decal off your window dude. That sticker tell junkie who car hop that you have a system. Move in silence and bump in moderation. You don’t want everybody knowing you have a system. Haters or junkies might try something. 

    We dont have issues like that in my neighborhood (as of right now) fortunately, but I wouldnt do it anywhere else.

    Moderate size town in center Vermont, very little crime aside from widespread suboxone use and "regular" drunks. We also have Consritutional carry and everyone carries here. People only recently started locking their homes/cars at night. The cops are pretty cool here as well, aside from one that is about to retire. I may remove the "Audio" part of each sticker just to keep a lower profile for noise complaints, I have yet to see a single person with another system that isnt sold at walmart.


    I have big plans for this vehicle, the sticker and sound wont be the only reason it catches attention in the next few weeks but thank you for your concern and suggestions.

  2. I started out with the "EVL Bass package", Subs/Box/Rp-2000.1D/Wire.

    I've slowly been upgrading everything and I've got it where Im pretty happy, but of course...I'd like to continue upgrading.


    I have swapped out all wiring that came with the package to 1/0 OFC dual runs (at every point)  as well as dual inputs

    Swapped out the wire in the EVL box for 8g welding cable and went with SS Bolt/Nuts instead of the spring loaded terminals

    Added a Northstar NSB-AGM31 and a JS 250A Alt

    Swapped out the RP2000 for a SKv2-3500.1d


    Now here's my question, if I purchased some VXF-12's and stuck them in the EVL box, would the sound decrease at all or would I gain from it? The VXF can handle more power, and the EVL's are on the edge of being overpowered with the 3500, would the VXF's need more power to get as loud as the EVL's are now - would I see any benefits at all? The VXF's are listed with the same space requirements as the EVL subs but the other specs are what interest me. I heard they play lower frequencies better, is this true?


    I have plans for the ZVX series in the future, but I'd like to get as much from what I have at my disposal before I build a new box. Would the SKv2-3500 do well for 2 VXF's like it does for the EVL's?







    Also, where can I get a BIG ASS Skar rear window decal? I bought he 20" off ebay....I'd like something twice its size....

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