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Posts posted by Miles

  1. I have a 99 Dodge. I have seen that done in a newer style dodge which has a lot more room than mine (even though 94-01 has more than any other truck excluding the post 01 Dodge's). All i can fit comfortably behind the seats is about 10" at the bottom and 7" at the top. Any more than that and it would be uncomfortable to ride in. I have already started the box though. Here's a link to it.


  2. I've modeled it in WinISD and it looks like 2.3 cubes with 30 sq in of port tuned to 34 hz will peak around 40 (theoretically). I can only fit up to 2.4 cubes so that's my volume limit. I've only modeled this though, and would like actual real world opinions on what would be best suited for me with the power i'm running.

    Also, what would be louder to the meter (since both will be the same loudness to the ear): port firing drivers side, or firing passengers side?

  3. I'm about to sell my Fi Bl 12 and was looking at the SA series subs. I've never done 10's, so i was looking at doing 2 10's (of course the box will be behind the seat). I can fit up to 2.8 cubes behind the seat, but looking at about 2.3 after port and sub displacement. My current setup does a 140.0 on the dash (at 40 hz), the box is tuned to 28 hz, and it smashes the lows like no other. I'm wanting to know what would be a good box volume and port area to run 2 10's in that would get me into that range, or hopefully higher. Also, i'll be running about 1300-1400 wrms to the pair. I know there are a lot of factors that go into how loud a setup is, so i would like to tune the box to 34 hz for a good overall sound. I've had my fun with the LOWWWWSS, but i'd like it to be a little better 45 hz and up.

    Thank you.

  4. Box looks good...

    i thought there was a huge gap there below the port... but it looks like its only a shadow...

    as far as using the bolts... try using T-tuns... my opinion... they are easier to use... and they dont come loose..

    Yeah, it's just a shadow. Haha. The wood maybe sticks out 1/16", but how the sub hit it makes it look like a big gap or a big overhang. For only using a jig saw, i think it turned out pretty well.

  5. A bl 12 in a 2cf box is going to laugh at 750wrms

    That's what i'm thinking is going to happen. However, it's 5 years old and soft as hell, so i think 750 will be a decent amount of power for it. I'll try to talk him into a new SSD if this sub ever gives out, but the abuse i've seen this sub take (i had it for the first 3 years of it's life, and trust me, it didn't have an easy life. Haha.) i think it will hold out for a little while longer.

    And how would i attach the speaker wire to a t nut? That will be the purpose of the dual nuts on each bolt (tighten down the first one really good, then put the ring on, then the second nut, and tighten the 2 nuts together.).

  6. This is just a quick box i made this afternoon to fit behind the seats of a mid 90's single cab Chevy 1500. The box is 2.0 cubes with 25 sq in of port tuned to 32 hz. It will be powered with about 750 watts, so we'll see if he needs a bigger amp or not, but this should be a pretty efficient box for his needs. "Terminals" are 2 5/16" bolts through the wood. Needed to have the spacer ring to get more mounting depth for the sub to fit. Here's a couple of pictures of it finished.




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