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Posts posted by pervitizm

  1. sweet i hope he gets play time, only bad thing is i wanted a jersey and being a cowboys fan buying a philly jersey is blasphemy

    I'm a die hard Cowboys fan, and I like Vick too, but there is no way in hell I will ever by anything from any of the Philadelphia sports team. So now that he's another bird (Falcon to Eagle) I wish him luck but hope his team fails this season.

  2. so once a person has served their debt to society, what more do you want from them? To live a pitifull life, begging for money on the street corner. I for one believe in rehabilitation and think he paid his debt to society.

    I totally agreee with you on this.

    Now can we get back on point here. 21 replies and only 4 actually answered the orginal questions. For those that don't like Vic for what he did, that's your right. However you can't change the fact that he's back in the NFL. So with that said either pick a team you think he's gonna be on or say nothing. No need in getting this thread locked over a heated debate that wasn't even asked for.

  3. He deserves to be in the NFL no matter what. I will fight this thing with people that disagree until im blue in the face. Donte Stallworth gets 20 or so days in jail for being drunk and high on drugs, running a man over and killing them. What about Leon Lett that also killed someone and was let back in the league with a slap on the wrist.

    Vick spent 23 months in jail. Basically had 2 years off of the NFL and still Roger Goddell wants to give him a 4 game suspension for fighting dogs. I'm sorry but I would rather kill a dog then kill a human being if I really had the choice.

    Actually its more like 6 games and its more so for lying about the dog fighting/gambling and the failed drug test for weed right before he got sentenced. Anyway he's served his time......A lot of time for dogs if I do say so myself and lost a little over $70 million in money and endoursments. What else do you want from the guy? Hell Leonard Little killed a mother while driving drunk and got 8 games supension and no jail time. Ray Lewis (indicated in a stabbing murder) no supension at all. Jamal Lewis drug trafficing and he got like 2 games and 3 months in jail. And I don't need to mention Burress, Stallworth, Marshall, or Jones (both Adam and Matt). I think those crimes are a lot more serious than dog fight yet Vick lost the most time and money.

  4. I've got this stuff for sale locally on stlouis.craigslist.org as well. If you buy anything from me you must pay shipping.

    Autotek Mean Machine MM4000.1D. This will include the amp, bass boost knob, and the manual. Look for $550 O.B.O.

    2 X 900 RMS @ 4 Ohms

    2 X 1400 RMS @ 2 Ohms

    2 X 2000 RMS @ 1 Ohm

    1 X 4000 RMS @ 2 Ohms

    The amp is about a 8/10 cosmetically and around at 10/10 with performance. I had this amp running a pair of DC Sound Lab level4 18's with Level 5 coils.




    Phoenix Gold Octane R:15.0.1D amp. This was used to power a single kicker 2005 model L7 15. I'm looking to get $225 O.B.O for this amp. The amp is rated at:

    High efficiency class "D" monoblock amplifier

    RMS Power Rating:

    4 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan.

    2 ohms: 1000 watts x 1 chan.

    Max power output: 1500 watts x 1 chan.





  5. That's what you need to do. Use the card often, not a lot, maybe once or twice a month on something. And then pay it off on time. Even if you have to pay something off in installments, just make sure you pay more than the minimun payment each time and that its on time.

    In case your late with a payment. You usually get around 15 to 30 days after a payment is late before it hits your credit history. Once it hits that it will take years for it to come off.

    Let's just say I had to learn this credit thing the Hard, hard way.

  6. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
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    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">


    That's some serious pressure going on in that car. You got any http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/hairtrick.gif yet with those XL and that tight looking DC port design?

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