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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. I need food and I need it now.

  2. What will the Justin get into tonight? Need ideals people.

  3. The damn rear pads that came with the kit are wrong.

  4. When you are feeling down remember you were that one sperm who won the race :D.

  5. Night all, the sleep is calling me.

  6. Another night of jacked up sleep. This time I can blame BJ for pouncing on me at 3am like I was a mouse or something.

  7. Nothing says eat me than a day old double quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald's. Now that's what I call microwave winning!

  8. Home now and off my damn fee. I'm so happy.

  9. Been up since 4 something. Out at Dorsett for training. Wishing I was at home in my bed sleeping cause now I'm sleepy again.

  10. Almost home. Ready to just relaxes and not think about nothing.

  11. Boo....... I smell the weakest shit that the peoples champ has brought. Weak weak weak. I shall sleep now.

  12. $600 to fix the suburban. I guess I won't eat this week.

  13. Well I didn't get to see my mother as planned but I did see my dad. My day was going find till my truck started acting up and then the check engine light came on. So I have to go to the dealership in the morning to figure out what sensor is done cause its driving like pure shit right now. Oh yeah I'm also going to be joining a car club finally. So all in all a decent spring Sunday was had.

  14. About to head out of here and go see my parents and enjoy the spring finally.

  15. There is a movie out there called run Bitch run. It's so unbelievably bad that it was good because it was bad. Worth the watch just on the ending alone.

  16. Paintball was fun, painful, draining, and fucking fun. Ain't had that much fun since grade school.

  17. Finally I'm in for the night.

  18. Help me America. I've been kidnapped by the white body snatches. I've seen line dancing to everything including lil Jon and the east side boys. That ain't right at all.

  19. I think its time I call it a night. I need to get some rest and figure out my day for tomorrow. Night all.

  20. So I just had an interesting visit from the the fairy god mother. It was magical and funny at the same time. Its wild when you don't seek confrontation while someone else does and when you don't give it the time of day you piss them off worser then what they were before.

  21. I guess its time to hit the workout room finally.I've almost got the stereo installed in there. Going to take the laptop and load up my youtube play list and hit the weights hard.

  22. At the head doctor for what will be I believe my last visit with him.

  23. Is it me or did that fucking beaver lie, cause its snowing again and we're only 48 hours away from it being April. This is just freaking crazy.

  24. Man I'm so fucked right now I feel like Rau Paul in a prison gen pop wearing assless chaps and a bikini top. Yeah my ass is in a real fucking bind right now.

  25. Oh my this ending to Raw was wack as fuck. SMH!

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