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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. $75 for gas, lord why did I buy this suburban?

  2. Ok I see a new frustration has now emerged. Time to cool this one down too.

  3. Yeah I'm super pissed off right now. Why its doing the right thing so fucking hard? I'm trying to walk in the right path and I swear its just fucking me over and over again.

  4. I guess its time to head out.

  5. At the head doctor for what will be I believe my last visit with him.

  6. Just cut my yard and I'm beat. Time to play halo again.

  7. Testing out the work iPad here at home. So far so good. Need to figure out how to get back to work through this.

  8. Some people go from millions to nothing. Some people go from nothing to millions, but what both of them have in common is neither one of them is happy still......MJG

  9. Holy Jehovah's Witness my balls are tingling Batman!

  10. To my jennings folks. You know its sad when you run into Kevin Liedell and he's still lying. I mean its sorta sad yet still funny at the same time.

  11. LOL I was just called Jelly Titties in a voice message. Damn I'm hurt I think my tits are perky and perfect.

  12. I've foamed my wood now. Oh yeah shit just got real.

  13. I guess its time to hit the workout room finally.I've almost got the stereo installed in there. Going to take the laptop and load up my youtube play list and hit the weights hard.

  14. Well my big brother goes in for surgery on Monday morning to remove two tumors from his bladder. Pray for him that the removal of these tumors will lead to a speedy recovery. So he can take his ass back to work.

  15. Well off to North Co for this car club meeting. Then over to the moms for family time I guess.

  16. Still nowhere with Microsoft on my issue at work.

  17. Tomorrow I take two of the rims with me to the lift shop to see if lifting the burban is even necessary. The suspension guy thinks my wheel offset is wrong.

  18. Been up dealing with work related issues since 4am.

  19. Off to the J.O.B. Job!

  20. Yeah I'm on a mission now. Operation "Surprise Bitch My Turn" is now in affect.

  21. Another somewhat cool kickass perk at the job. Mini office putt putt golf. So I'll get to spend the rest of the afternoon goofing off at work with the chance to possibly win an iPad.

  22. This tosh.o show is funny as hell.

  23. Looks like the NFC West is going through the Bay Area. They just KOed the Lions at home.

  24. It's now Friday, let me go to work and figure out what I'm going to get into today after work. I already know that I'll be in the presence for the Great Golden Bear Master known as a.ka. Carl "Tickle Tits" Hertz!

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