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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Between gluing, sanding and sleeping I say my Saturday has been going to plan. Now its time for a Fallout break as I let some more glue dry then I will be ready to complete assembly of the subwoofer box.

  2. I truly know what its like to be in home yet still be homeless. Its like winning the lottery then the state takes it away for back taxes. Shit just don't feel right.

  3. Just when I think I've finally got things under control a new monkey comes in to throw his fucking wrench at me. SMH!

  4. Sense that this is going to be a shitty week. My assholes sense are tingling right now saying danger Will Robinson danger.

  5. Rise and shine bitches for today is the Lords day.

  6. I suffer from a condition called sexsomnia. And before someone makes a joke about it, I'm very very serious.

  7. Finally I'm in for the night.

  8. I've seen more cock in the Hangover 2 then I did in any other R rated movie known to man. Man this movie was pretty fucking funny.

  9. Paintball was fun, painful, draining, and fucking fun. Ain't had that much fun since grade school.

  10. Was at the Pagan picnic at Tower Grove Park today. Had a good time there. Now I'm waiting for these finals to start.

  11. There is a movie out there called run Bitch run. It's so unbelievably bad that it was good because it was bad. Worth the watch just on the ending alone.

  12. So I hung a white man this morning at Keiner Plaza down town in front of the old court house. That was for my ancestors. Lol! Pictures will follow.

  13. Had a good time yesterday.

  14. So I guess Cleveland won tonight as well. LBJ not greater than MJ. Jordan never lost a finals. Kobe lost two out of seven. LBJ zero out of two.

  15. Just found out that my oldest brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer this morning. Life, what a bitch.

  16. I go to my DVR to catch up on some West Coast Customs just to come back in here and see a bunch of Balderdashing going on in here. And yes Balderdash is a word. Not sure about Balderdashing but still its on the same subject matter.

  17. Can somebody help me figure out how to file a small claims lawsuit in st ann?

  18. So the other day I looked at the movie For The Colored Girls. I couldn't help but feel like my life was damn near parallel to at least two of the characters in this movie. Its funny cause this movie was directed towards women of color yet I as a man am going through some of the same shit. Said part about it is that only a few true people would know which characters I'm referring to.

  19. So it looks like that fantastic wife of mines isn't paying shit to anyone. She owes chase $700 and they're trying to come after me for it. Oh another happy happy morning to start the day.

  20. So I went by the wheel store. Those pics say it all. However the owners where there and I have their contact number. And my wheels are safe and good to go.

  21. Time to head into the job, hope everyone has a good week.

  22. Is working from home today I need to get a lot of work done and can't seem to focus while at the office.

  23. Need to find a place that can fix/mod my Autotek Amp

  24. Will these damn beef ribs get done? A brotha's got to eat.

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