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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. This tosh.o show is funny as hell.

  2. Tomorrow I take two of the rims with me to the lift shop to see if lifting the burban is even necessary. The suspension guy thinks my wheel offset is wrong.

  3. I'm mad as fuck at Allstate. They want to cancel me for non payment on auto insurance and I have now four yes four cleared checks showing that I've paid them over $200 since April 5. Because of this and the fact that they didn't even call me to tell me that there was a problem, I'm about to drop their asses. They got my money and want to drop me for insurance that is only $87 a month. Fuck out of here.

  4. Oh shit my Evo is running Dark Red Cocoa ROM. I'm about to have a creame frige in my pants right now.

  5. Evo is now rooted again. But that is it so far.

  6. Time to take care of the yard. Yay for home ownership.

  7. I think I'm humbled today. Who would have guessed it.

  8. So I'm awake from my power nap and off the bat I'm on food network again. Watching food when I'm hungry. This isn't right at all.

  9. So my cat has now learn how to hop on my kitchen counter top and open the top level cabinets since I have no child locks on them. One box of cornbread mix gone as he was trying to get to the kitty treats. So for punishment I had to give him a quick water bath. Hopefully he will have learn the lesson. Don't fuck with a black man's cornbread mix. Happy Friday level went from 5 to 3 all in an instant.

  10. I swear I have this issues where I must look at cooking shows while hungry. Man vs Food ain't gonna fill my belly no time soon.

  11. Note to self, never watch food network while hungry. Its just wrong on so many levels.

  12. The iPad is ok except for that it sucks ass playing YouTube videos. Oh the joys of having flash.....oh wait that's right. Steve Jobs has a douche stuck up his ass cause of Adobe.

  13. I think today is the perfect day for me to leave work early. I think I am.

  14. Just cut my yard and I'm beat. Time to play halo again.

  15. Is not feeling good at all.

  16. I guess its time for me to head home now.

  17. House is cleaned again. I guess I'll head up to my mothers house. We are BBQing over there so I'll be up north all day.

  18. Need to get out of this house today and enjoy the day. What to do what to do?

  19. Finally home. Realize that the cat farts just as much as Becca does. So I guess there are just some things I can't escapes. Apparently a farting pussy is one of them.

  20. So I went last night and saw Fast Five, and I have to say it was a pretty good ass movie. Really enjoyed myself. Now I must head into work for a half day off work crap and then a half day of Cards Baseball. Am I winning today, God I hope so.

  21. The WWE female wrestler Karma...... I'm in love look at those titties!

  22. Jack Bauer is the love child of Chuck Norris and MacGyver. Got to love those crazy comments people leave on CNN.

  23. Health care reform, bin laden is dead, now this motherfucker needs to get gas under control. Obama for man kind.

  24. So I went by the wheel store. Those pics say it all. However the owners where there and I have their contact number. And my wheels are safe and good to go.

  25. Had a good time yesterday.

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