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Posts posted by newls1

  1. here bro, for any PC I would build for a customer, I use these ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820231166 ) Lower voltage (cooler temps and lasts longer) and has 5-5-5-15 timings (run mine @ 5-5-4-12 @ DDR1104). Also, you want to avoid populating all DRAM slots on the motherboard if you can. Using all 4 slots on the motherboard (assuming you have 4 slots, please tell me what mobo you are using) makes the north bridge work harder as your memory controller hub is in there, and that makes heat, PLUS you must pump slightly more voltage to the NB to make it operate with stability in mind. The 4GB kit I linked to you above is a solid performing ram kit, has lifetime warrenty. If you did want to get 2 kits of this which will give you 8GB's of ram, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A 64BIT OS! EXAMPLE: Win XP64 (love XP64) Vista64, win7 64, etc.... If you run more then 4GB's on a 32bit OS, the OS will NEVER SEE the additional ram, or use it! So just keep that in mind.

  2. above guy is correct, lower the timings means generally better FPS in games, and better windows response. However, those timings are really "relaxed" if this is for DDR2 ram. What speeds are you looking to run this ram @? Typically 5/5/5/15 is good timings for a 4GB kit running @ DDR1066, and this ram is very cheap. If you using timings in the 6's and 7's on DDR2 ram, that is SHITTY RAM. DDR3 ram runs these timings, but that ram moves along @ MUCH FASTER SPEEDS to back up the relaxed timings. I can go on forever about this, if you want more info, please let me know

  3. my electrical is all stock n my alt is only 117amps...only thing i got goin for it is 0gauge....I was thinking of wiring my sub to a higher ohm load..i would b able to wire it to 4ohms wouldnt i???

    the amp kicks off when it hits in the 9volt range on the screen

    holy fu*k, im surprised the amp will still function. O'Brother :01nocomment8so: . You need/must/have to/need to upgrade your charging system to handle that amp. Do you not even have a good AGM batt in the back? Damn bro, start working on the electrical upgrades, and dont go less then 2ohm on the amp, then you should be golden.

  4. What about the alt spinning in reverse rotation?

    spinning an alt in reverse would be fine, the ALT will not care! My question is this: Where are you going to find a dual pulley for a dual surpentine belt style setup.... You might have to have a machine shop custom make that for you on a lathe. Personally, why dont you just purchase an upgraded alt of 250-300a?

  5. Hey everyone, just a quick question if someone can help me. To those of you (us) that run multiple batts, dual alts, and a MLA module, what is your voltage after everything has warmed up? It has been 85-90+ Degrees out side here in the Atlanta area and I have noticed my voltage is no longer staying @ 15.3v after warm up, Is this normal? My voltage is more along the lines of 15.1V crusing, and a dead idle of 14.9-15.0v. While bumping VERY HARD, my voltage will drop to 14.3-14.6. Is what im experiancing normal due to the heat? I guess I take for granted the cold winter months here when it is 40 as a HIGH temp. I didnt have the electrical system that I have now, back when it was winter, but I can tell you that using the stock alt, NO MLA module, I was idling at 14.3 all day long. Anyways, any input would be much appricated. Thanks

  6. It sucks to not be good at test's. I can be confident i know the shit too but once a test comes a bad score something about them idk.

    Well, i'm not sure if your regarding taking the NREMT exam, or just some school test, but 99% of the questions on the NREMT exam, you have to pick an answer from 4 possible choices, which in most cases are all correct! You have to pick the better answer from the 4 multiple choice answers in your bank. See what im saying? With a typical test, if you know your shit, you can eliminate 2 answers from the get go, sometimes even 3. Damn this NREMT exam is hard for me.

  7. You must be talking about National Registry. Yeah it is a bitch. There is a website where you can purchase sample test and questions to get you ready for it. I am not sure where or what the website is. My friend at work took it. He used the practice test to pass.

    P.S. Take a shot of whiskey or 2 before you go in to take the test. It will calm your nerves.

    Yes, I did buy the practice tests @ www.emt-national-training.com however after taking nearly 2400+questions in the last 16 days, I scored WORSE on my test yesterday. See now im just fucking pissed. I take a xanax before the test, which helps me, but still......I cant pass.

  8. It is a bummer for sure, I had a problem in school with test taking when I was younger. It was always because i would never read the question fully, or as it is called today RTFQ. Is there an option to have it administered orally? I had an option to take an oral test before, the only problem was that I dropped a few F bombs during.

    I will give you this advice though, do not stop studying, keep it all fresh in your head till the next test. How much is the test anyway? Take up a collection here, and when you make it big pay everyone back with interest. :)

    Thanks bro, I appreciate the feedback. The tests are $100 each time, and you can only take it "3" times. This next time I take this test, will be my LAST TIME I can take it. If I fail it again, I have to take a 36 day refresher course, and then have 1 more shot at it. The refresh is 750$, and then the 100$ test again. This fucking state makes money coming and going, I swear! I need to make some damn money, I got cought up in this "economy" back 7 months ago, and have yet to be able to get someone to employ me. son-of-a-bitch!

  9. to anyone prepping for the NREMT exam, www.emt-national-training.com is excellent, really helps me understand my question (even though I failed again) I dont blame that website, but I think my problem is i'm reading TO MUCH INTO THE QUESTION, therefore answering it incorrectly. Here is what pisses me off. I graduated #1 in the class, and the fucking retards in my class that took this test, passed first try! What the fuck is that all about uh? Would that drive you crazy?

    **EDIT** Steve, I'll get your DVD in the mail on Monday, I was too pissed after I found out I failed to get it out today, I think Monday will be the next time I go out in the public again!

  10. as some of you might have read my post about 15 days ago, I completed my schooling to become an EMT-I, however just because you completed "SCHOOL", that doesnt mean squat....The state now needs you to pass "THEIR" 2 tests, and of course there way different then anything I've done in class. The 1st test was a "practicals" test, to make sure you know how to perform your needed skills like Combi-tube intubation, IV, IO, trauma skills, etc... Well, I passed that test no problem! Only 1 left know, so I must pass it to start my career in the EMS field and a $35,000 starting job, so this last test MEANS EVERYTHING. I failed it my first time back 15 days ago. I was so depressed, and just didnt talk to anyone for a day or 2. Well......I re-took it today, and am just waiting for the testing centers website to get updated, to show me if I failed again, or passed. Please wish me luck guys, I really need this test done and over with, I haven't had any income in 7 months....... Thanks fellow SMD buds.

  11. i've been wondering the same question for about 6 months now. I'm about to make a switch from my 2 18" BLs to 4 18's of some sort. I very much enjoy my BL's, they are great speakers for the money, no doubt........but I think the answer is now the BL's as this new 09 version is a beefed up / improved version of the prior model BL's, and they are heavier!! and use a new motor design.

  12. if the "repair'er" is good, he will be able to keep all data and make a smooth transition. *BUT* typically with a new motherboard comes a new motherboard chipset, and upon first boot on a new chipset with an OLD OS install, the operating system (windows im assuming) will realize this, and want you to update chipset drivers, and this is where things might get hairy. All might go great on install, but it is that dreaded 2nd/3rd reboot out of no-where you start getting BSOD's upon boot up. The best by far is to do a fresh format and start all over again. I you want, buy a new HDD and keep your old one UNTOUCHED, install everything new on the new HDD....OS and everything, once all is done, install your old HDD, and you'll have all your doc/pix/vids/etc..... all back.

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