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The Performer

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Posts posted by The Performer

  1. 40 hz is pretty high man, alot of guys are going with the 32hz like you have already. Your sub won't give you such a good low end anymore at that high I don't believe. And with a ported box you're going to have a rolloff where at the higher end it wont be geared so well for those kicks and such with metal. If you like alot of metal a sealed box would actually give you a more forgiving range to work with. Alot of the higher notes would still sound good, and you'd still have a decent low range for rap and such.

  2. Just matching up the wire colors does NOT always mean that it's correct. Always use the code sheet that comes with the harness as well as the color codes from the H/U.

    I've had to fix many of people's where they thought just putting the colors together was correct and they've done electrical damage to their car.

  3. It must be something that the window is rolling down in a certain spot that's rubbing the tint.

    Try and make sure the weather stripping at the door there is clean and no roughness that is going to scratch the tint.

  4. wow. VERY descriptive, thanks a ton.

    And a positive for vista? Thats good for sure. I would have to go buy some CD-RW's once I upgrade my headunit. I really like that, I can't believe it works that easy. Does the CD get like, worn out over time? I dont know the words to say it, but tell me if you don't get it

    Technically no supposedly you can rewrite the CD's ALOT of times, however you'll end up scratching them to a point of no use before you'll ever have problems with them not writing due to over-erasing them.

    Just buy a 5 pack of them and you'll be set. I've got one for my miscellaneous songs, one for my rap songs, one for all my country and so on...

    I think on my HIM cd I've got all 7 albums, plus a few singles, and a few other cd's they released all on one mp3 CD. It's cool with the alpine because I've got each album in it's own folder, so you can search through album, then to song.

    Data CD's own. ;)

  5. and when you burn mp3 cd's doesnt it fit a lot more songs too?

    Yes, because whenever you're making an audio cd it is a constant of time rather than size. There for a 70 minute cd will hold ONLY 70 minutes of audio. However that same cd might also hold 700 mb of data. An mp3 is in the data category, so there for it will hold 700mb of mp3. The length of the audio data and bitrate will determine how much of that data the cd will hold. A pretty popular bitrate right now is 192kbs, so about a 3-4 minute mp3 might take up 4-5 mb. That's ALOT more songs you could fit vs just audio cd.

    Be careful about which songs you get however. In some cases if you don't look hard enough you can get mp3's at a 96kbs, which isn't horrible, but you can notice the difference between a higher bitrate file if you know what to listen for.

    Right now my favorite by far is a combination of windows vista and CD-RW's. With windows vista you can burn a data cd by drag and drop method, and if you decide you need to add a new song all you have to do is put the cd-rw back in and drag and drop the new mp3 and windows will burn it to the disc without having to totally erase the cd and starting over.

  6. Oh hell yeah man, if that's all any good epoxy will do the trick.

    A suggestion though, trim that carpet to the exact edge of the hole. In the pic it looks like the carpet folds over into the hole a bit, what I'm saying is I would trim that off so that you have the edge for the epoxy to bond to.

    Since you can get to the back of the panels as well it looks like, just put a bead of epoxy around the back as well, that'll hold it more than enough.

  7. You need to remember dude that with any (aux input) you're sound quality is only as good as the headunit can re process the music. If you have an actual Ipod I would recommend just getting an ipod ready H/U with a full speed connection. That way your H/U can read the MP3 directly and not have to depend on the connection and ipod attempting to give the music a "good sound".

  8. My setup isn't nearly as big as what you guys are running, but if this gets me part of team DC audio I'm happy. :)

    It's a singlecab 03 silverado 4x4.

    Two level 2 10"s powered by an Orion HCCA d1200.

    Posted Image

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    In this pic you can see my DC logo at the top of the windsheild.

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    REPRESENT!!! http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/hairtrick.gif

    Love my DC's, best sub's I've ever used, bought, and even heard, period.

  9. Some latex quick dry painters caulk will do the trick for you and will have less harsh fumes rather than silicone. I recommend a small squeeze tube rather than a tube you use in a caulk gun because with the squeeze tube you can get in there easier to do it.

    The larger gap you're going to want to give some rigidness too. Do the mdf sawdust and a good wood glue trick to fill that gap first.

    Seal it all up with that, however give it a day or more to air out, and if you can let a fan vent it as well because the fumes before it's all cured can harm your subs.

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