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The Performer

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Posts posted by The Performer

  1. Lookin good steve, how about giving a little insight on how it feels to turn that bass knob on one of the most anticipated stereo builds in the world?

    I think between the time you got the escalade and began working your forum has grown exponentially out of control of fans just waiting to see what this vehicle could do and now it's done. I tip my hat to you man, congratulations on this build. :clapping:

  2. they do have there place,and they do have some positive effects, inbig systems, they wont help very much, they may even hurt u in a spl set-up, but they do help, by smoothing out voltage ripple and more.

    Thank you!

    I'm kinda surprised at all the negative talk about how caps are 100% useless when in reality they do work great when you use them correctly. Obviously they are not even close to as good as a battery and alt. upgrade, but for those who use them in the right situation they are excellent.

  3. or you can do it yourself...its not that hard, and once you get good at it you can get some good cash doing it (700-1000 bux a day aint uncommon...or too shabby)

    No, it's not hard, but it is a very precise and it's something you have to develop a knack for before you'll be satisfied with your work which comes with alot of practice.

    I did mine, and they came out great, but like I said, it's not that it's hard it just takes some planning and precise and quick work.

  4. The REMIX!!! :clapping:

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    Hopefully this isn't a repost, however I attempted a search and I'm not impressed with the search feature, apparently "you" and "like" are worthless words to search which leaves you with just "whatever" which... didn't do justice with the search...

    Anyway, have a good laugh! :rofl:

  5. thats hella bad ass!!! i love it!! so much better than lil wayne, but then again i wish he would get set on fire

    Haha damn that's wrong man...

    So red navi you say it's old? Man I hope I didn't pull a repost... :( If so let a mod delete the thread or combine it with an original.

    Yeah, but you guy's are thinking what I'm thinking too, it's pretty bad ass. I've been jamming it in the truck and people love it. :)

  6. I searched and saw the thread on the right side of the tree version, but I guess no one got this one yet.

    Pretty cool in my opinion. It takes some creativity to completely overhaul a song into a different genre.

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
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  7. i would rather spend 200 300 on a good alarm rather then 2000 on all new screens subs amps. etc. u feel?

    I know exactly what you mean, I didn't put ANY expensive equipment in my truck until AFTER I got my viper.

    If you want a great one, viper 5900 is the way to go. 2 way pager, remote start, visual alerts screen, you can program SO many things to it, and it's a 1 mile range.

    I've got the model right below it, every feature but 1/2 mile range. Great alarm system.

  8. What kind of vehicle are we talking? Strange to say but I wonder if your not giving it too much voltage and the LED insides are going out because of the overload. One of the big issues with LED in vehicle use right now is that you can buy the nice pre-wired 12v LED's, however most of our vehicles put out well close to 14-15 volts at certain times such as when the vehicle is started.

  9. Posted Image

    Haha, why even have that little coat-hanger wire fence if the dog is twice the size of it, lol. You know your dog is looking at the fence and laughing at you on the inside. :rofl:

    Looking good though, but chicken when are you gonna bite the bullet and have steve build you a 4x4 with some lift and mud grips? :P

  10. 0129092324.jpg






    Haha, I was too tickled to see how it was turning out I went camera crazy.

    Side shot.


    Now attaching the mounting bracket that will slide into the receiver.



    Some more aluminum housing work and JB weld.



    Primer and paint.





    Some silicone for seal!

    Installed and already filthy from dirt.


    I didn't take any pics of the wiring I did under the truck actually, however it's pretty straightforward. It's connected in the same circuit as my interior blue lighting. So whenever I turn on the glow inside the truck, that's how this turns on so it's a constant thing. that whole circuit is tapped into the cigarette lighter acc. circuit protected by the stock 15amp fuse, as well as an additional 2amp fuse after that for LED protection.

    Believe it or not but I don't actually have a night shot of this yet on the truck... Maybe I'll snag one here tonight. :)

    So yeah, anyways, in the thread title it's supposed to say "made with christmas LED's (steve says is ghetto). Cause in some thread I mentioned that I did all of my instrument cluster lighting with LED's pulled from a blue LED christmas light strand I got from hobby lobby for like $6. Well this one was the same sorta except I got all these white LED's from home depot christmas light strand for like $8. Good deal for as many LED's are on those strands. Even if they're not super bright, they obviously did the trick for this application. :)

    So who's ghetto now mr. "Hoopty's roll pan still looks un painted" :P Haha, just kiddin with ya steve, but the roll pan on the hoopty does still look like just primer'ed to me... ;)

    So that's it for the thread, all the pics except for a night shot. You guys posted between replies... I was workin on it, sorry I type slow. ;)

  11. Some more wiring.



    A quick 12v test. Works amazingly :) There's I believe 23 LED's, that's 7 set's of series of 3's, and 2 individual's if I remember correctly. So there were a few resister values to work with, but when you see this, all the calculating and design is worth it.



    Coat of black after the maroon to block any light bleed.


    Some white on the backside of the LED panel. Then black to block any bleed from behind (Not that it will matter).



    Did some sanding on the face of the LED panel to level the LED's with the lexan. Then did some more diffuse coats over the face, then a soft sand with 2000 grit wetsand to give it an opaque surface.


    This is going to be the diffuse sheets. ;) Dad will have to be lid less for his clamp bucket for a lil while.



    2 sheets of it looked better than 1.

    That same heavy gauge aluminum I used for my center caps. Gonna make the housing and back plate from it.



    The order of layers.


    Too anxious to see what it's gonna look like...

    These will be what I use to hold it all together.



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